Pendant les travaux d'aménagement de l'aile du midi au château pour améliorer l'accueil du public, Dior a installé cette énorme toile trompe-l’œil de Pierre Delavie ! Vous voyez où se trouve le nom de la marque ? La signature est très discrète ! Vous pouvez visionner une vidéo de ce que sera le futur accueil en cliquant ici. Pour (re)voir les précédents travaux masqués, cliquez ici.
Zooming out for you to get a better idea! There were far too many visitors in the courtyard for VDP to attempt to take pics from there (except for the third one just above), so VDP will have to return when things have calmed down a bit!
Zoom arrière pour que vous ayez une meilleure idée ! Il y avait une foule compacte dans la cour d'honneur, impossible pour VDP de prendre des photos de toute la longueur de l'aile (hormis la troisième ci-dessus). Il faudra que VDP y retourne quand les choses se seront un peu calmées !
Weird! It's like the French Revolution never happened. :-)
That is a clever way to keep the place decorated while a renovation takes place.
I had to look carefully, but I think I found it! Beautiful surroundings.
Nice way to advertise.
Stuff going all around you ALL the time. So let it be cold. MB
Too discrete for my eyes... I don't see it. I trust Dior is helping to finance the renovations for this privileged publicity. Anyway, I hope this will make it easier and more efficient for visitors to enter.
Whatever it is they are advertising, it 'looks' spectacular ;-)
I couldn't find it. Bit if you say it is there I believe you!
Un trompe l'oeil plein de charme!
I'm thinking the name is on the red bag. A smart way to cover the ongoing renovations.
I like these... and the look back you posted.
It is a huge work!
Very nice way to cover up the construction mess. I wish places would do this more often.
What a great idea, Ciel! I finally found the Dior! ;-)
I remember the previous canvas, but I didn't realize the scale, it's massive. I did find the Dior :-)
Soooo frustrating.. I want to be able to say I can find it but I can't and believe me I HAVE searched :) Merci beaucoup for the link to the video.. i looks a little modern but I can so see why it will make it easier to enter and leave.. I can imagine the tearooms will be very elegant. Looking forward to seeing when complete next year Ciel.
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