Monday, 3 June 2013

La rue du Pont Colbert est mauve !

I have no clue what these gorgeous flowering trees are, no doubt you will tell me. The whole of busy rue du Pont Colbert, near the south exit of the city towards A86 motorway is mauve coloured at the moment!

Je n'ai aucune idée de ce que sont ces arbres en fleurs, nul doute que vous me le direz. Toute la rue du Pont Colbert, par laquelle on sort de Versailles vers le sud et l'autoroute A86 est mauve en ce moment !


Olivier said...

je trouve que c'est une belle couleur, et on en profite des les premiers rayons du soleil ;) parcontre je ne serais te dire ce que c'est, moi a part la lavande je reconnais pas les fleurs ;)

Michelle said...

I do not know, but they are beautiful!

Wayne said...

I can't help you with the type of flower, but that view is simply amazing all framed out in purple!

Small City Scenes said...

They are beautiful. The flower looks a little like a Paulownia tomentosa also know as an Empress Tree. Maybe??? Just a guess. MB

Sylvia K said...

I don't know what they are either, but they are so gorgeous!! Love your captures!! It's so good to be back online and able to enjoy others photos/posts! Hope you have a great week ahead, Ciel!!

Randy said...

Beautiful colors. I would love that kind view on my daily ride to work.


What a magnificent sight! I love how each photo pulls out to show more perspective. I wish I knew what they were - such a pretty color, especially in the sunlight!

Unknown said...

Silver Stalin : the flower looks new to me...

Merisi Vienna said...

Beautiful shots!
Small City Scenes is right, these are Empress trees: "Paulownia tomentosa (common names empress tree, princess tree or foxglove tree) is a deciduous tree in the family Paulowniaceae, native to central and western China, but invasive in the USA" .....
"The soft, lightweight seeds were commonly used as a packing material by Chinese porcelain exporters in the 19th century, before the development of polystyrene packaging. Packing cases would often leak or burst open in transit and scatter the seeds along rail tracks. This, together with seeds released by specimens deliberately planted for ornament, has allowed the species to become an invasive weed tree in areas where the climate is suitable ... "

Dédé said...

peut-être des lilas? non?

Anonymous said...

They add a real dash of colour, that's for sure. Wonderful!

Yukinori Katayama said...

it's a really nice street!!!

Unknown said...

Beautiful! Just like Lisbon's streets where Jacaranda Trees are now in full purple bloom.

Gunn said...

Soooo pretty!

Tanya Breese said...

oh those are gorgeous and i love how they line the street!

Lowell said...

Small City Scenes is always right! These certainly dress up a city street. We have some reddish trees here also but the color doesn't last very long. Lovely, Ciel!

brattcat said...

so beautiful!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Nice to know what they 're called Ciel, they certainly make a very pretty picture oui! A bit like the jacaranda..

BaysideLife said...

I don't know what they are either, but they make a beautiful frame for the street.

Bergson said...

un beau décor dans cette avenue

cieldequimper said...

Thanks MB and Merisi!

VP said...

I am so sad to live in a town practically without flowers... and full of lousy pigeons.

Thérèse said...

En esperant que le mauve aidera le jaune soleil a montrer le bout de son nez.

Karl said...

Gorgeous is the right word to describe these scenes.

Loree said...

Absolutely gorgeous.

Diane AZ said...

Wow, amazing to see a street lined on both sides with Jacarandas! They don't grow so well here in the desert, I've only seen two such trees in my city.

Alain said...

Le titre de ton message me fait penser à un "message personnel" de Radio Londres.

Cezar and Léia said...

Lovely Spring images! :)