Beaucoup de nouvelles boutiques ont ouvert dans le quartier Saint-Louis. Voici la vitrine de "les nouvelles dentelles de Versailles", boutique ouverte par une jeune créatrice de mode spécialisée dans les vêtements et accessoires en dentelle made in Versailles. Pour en savoir plus, c'est par ici. Il y a une vue hivernale sur Artsy Versailles aujourd'hui.
A pretty little boutique Ciel - and looks like black is still popular in France.
Zeitlos schön.
The name of the shop is very fitting, the lace is most elegant. It's good the hear there are new shops opening.
For the winter season ? Chilling idea to wear so little during winter time ... then again, what do I know ! I am not a woman and I had lived in the tropics all my life.
Wonderful hazy view on winter during your window shopping !!!
I'll have that fancy lace blouse.
The Saint-Louis neighborhood, with these small shops, has to be a genteel place and its praiseworthy that these small shops feature the work of local citizens.
Shopping areas with primarily local stores are my preference, too.
I knew you were in Germany at the same time I was. We could have passed each other and not even realized it.
Looks like Party time...have fun!
We have a few such places in the rich parts of town but in these times more Americans find their couture at WalMart.
When people think of French fashion, they probably do not think of lace made in Versailles.
I got a kick out of Bob's comment above. I heard a comedian on the Blue Collar Comedy Show on TV, known as "Larry the Cable Guy," say that he likes to buy his clothes at Walmart "because at Walmart, I am a 'medium.'"
I like the glow of the wreath!
je ne suis pas sur que la dentelle aille bien avec la barbe
Longue vie à cette boutique donc à sa créatrice.
Je suis en train d'écouter à la radio une émission sur la construction du Château de Versailles.
Bonne journée tempétueuse.
Eh, would do with the blouse:)
Do you like Madness, Ciel? I'm mad about them:)
On serait trop choupies toutes les eux habillées comme ça!:o)
these make me sigh.
Great to hear lots of new stores are opening. Lovely!
Ah, the words "lace" and "Versailles" together sound perfect... a beautiful combination.
Either or both of these would be lovely thanks Ciel, you can drop them in when you come for tea with Lowell and Bergson haha!No really, every woman needs a gorgeous lacy black dress in her wardrobe oui!!
Ohhhh tres chic!
This is quite interesting!
Eh oui, c'est toujours utile la petite robe noire dans une garde robe, celles ci sont assez habillées cependant, trop ?
Au dernier mariage où je suis allée toute les filles étaient en noir, même la mariée (et la mère du marié) et pourtant (j'ai demandé) personne ne s'était donné le mot.
I prefer to shop at local, unique shops when possible. I would like this area.
That's a good thing. Here shops are closing everyday... and restaurants will follow them once the VAT will be 23% next year like almost everything else!
J'ai toujours preferer ce genre de boutique. Leur vitrine est sympa ! :)
ach so ein kleines schwarzes wäre für die oper silvester schon super chic!
ein feines und sehr atmosphärisches bild.
ich sende dir liebe weihnachtsgrüße und die besten wünsche für das neue jahr
♥ isabella
Such an elegant spot you have found.
Right in time for end of the year's parties!
Talk about going counter-trend! In most places independent retails are being decimated by the big boxes. I like the look of "les nouvelles dentelles de Versailles".
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