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A daily photo blog since 2009
Thursday, 9 September 2010
Détails de la cour d'hier
When last April I had posted the whole view of the courtyard,VP of Livorno Daily Photo asked for a detail of the statue and sundial. Here they are. I have added a poll under the header, I'd appreciate your opinion!
Quand en avril dernier j'avais posté une vue générale de cette cour, VP de Livorno Daily Photo avait demandé des détails, que voici. J'ai ajouté un sondage sous le titre du blog, j'apprécierais votre avis !
Love the top shot... so simple and so effective. Almost quilt-like :) RE you comment on the Mosty LA Co Quilt post - You amazing girl, quilting along with your other talents.
I never get tired of looking at the art in Europe. It's so beautiful and classic. Very hard to see much of that over here - especially where I live since history only goes back about 400 years.
I was right asking for more: this is a curious and unusual sundial. I like how the hours are dropping just above the statue. The statue itself looks so natural and relaxed, even patient, as it should be for a 'part' of a sundial... Thanks very much for these details!
J'aime bien les cadrans solaires mais je n'arrive jamais à lire l'heure dessus! :) la statue assise me plait bien, les pieds qui pendent dans le vide donnent une sensation d'abandon..
Both details are wonderful! :) *** happy weekend, see you next Monday, oh girl...why did you post today about Berlin Hauptbahnhof, now my heart is calling for Berlin! :) Léia
Now there's an energy efficient clock.
Very nice. the heck can you remember something someone asked last April????
Good grief, I can barely remember what happened an hour ago!
You're a genius!
What an interesting sundial. I love to look at them
A sundial, then? I almost wouldn't know what to do with it. I tell time on an iPhone but it's not all charming.
Love the top shot... so simple and so effective. Almost quilt-like :)
RE you comment on the Mosty LA Co Quilt post - You amazing girl, quilting along with your other talents.
Very interesting. I do not believe I have ever seen a vertical sundial before.
I'm glad he asked because it's very interesting. I do like the numbers.
Well the French have a way with sundials, just like everything else! I love this one. Thanks for both views.
Interesting clock. Love the sculpture!
Everything in Versailles seems to be elegant, what a lovely piece of work.
pour l'instant ton sondage, c'est un resultat de vote digne de certain pays africain ;)))
I never get tired of looking at the art in Europe. It's so beautiful and classic. Very hard to see much of that over here - especially where I live since history only goes back about 400 years.
That's a very nice sundial!
I was right asking for more: this is a curious and unusual sundial. I like how the hours are dropping just above the statue. The statue itself looks so natural and relaxed, even patient, as it should be for a 'part' of a sundial...
Thanks very much for these details!
Belles photos, les deux. At first glance the figures on the sundial look like people in little groups.
J'aime bien les cadrans solaires mais je n'arrive jamais à lire l'heure dessus! :) la statue assise me plait bien, les pieds qui pendent dans le vide donnent une sensation d'abandon..
Love the softness of the colors and the beauty in the details!
Ooh, nice close-ups! Especially love that sundial :D
very nice. Interesting sundial with the dropping numbers/letters. the statue is calming. MB
The statue is really lovely.
tres jolies details,bonne soiree ;O)
Liked it the first time, still do. The close-ups are great.
Your chronology is VERy interesting. I'm going to enjoy reading it.
Both details are wonderful! :)
*** happy weekend, see you next Monday, oh girl...why did you post today about Berlin Hauptbahnhof, now my heart is calling for Berlin! :)
I had to go look at the courtyard to see how these two details relate... so creative to see the hours dropping on the statue...
oh yes, the closeups are wonderful!
I love the carefree pose of the statue and the curious floating sundial numbers behind him! :D
Interesting detail, especially the sun dial.
Fantastic details!
You have EYES also for details!:)
Thanks for sharing.
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