Monday, 18 January 2010

Les galettes encore en vitrine

On Saturday, I walked past one of my favourite pâtisseries. To my great enjoyment, I saw that the façade had been transformed for the season!
Samedi je suis passée devant l'une des mes pâtisseries préférées. A ma grande surprise, j'ai vu que la devanture avait complètement changé pour la saison !


Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I love the vignettes on the windows. Very nice.

Lee Spangler said...

Let's go inside and eat and totally relax. Always appreciate hearingfrom you. Still havent heard of your travel plans.

Lowell said...

Fantastic...reminds me of a fairy tale! I wouldn't mind a little French pastry about now!

akarui said...

On a plutot l'impression d'etre au Canada :) J'ai mange une galette des rois au Japon mais le patissier est japonais. Il a peut etre etudie en France...

Chuck Pefley said...

A fairy tale indeed! What a lovely and welcoming shop!

Tash said...

The food looks mouthwateringly delicious...and with the winter transformation, the store looks like out of a good fairy tale. Wonderful photos.

Paulie said...

O! I love those windows AND look at that bench!!!!!!! Double blessing!!!!!!! (Nothing but rain here after our one day of snow.)

Dina said...

Really nice how they did that. So inviting. said...

We have two Paris bakeries in Tamarindo, but neither of them looks like these.

Malyss said...

Incroyable une déco pareille! c'est super!et le banc est trognon!
Est-ce que les galettes sont chères chez toi? Ici, elles ont atteint des prix exhorbitants cette année..Du coup, une petite et puis régime!

Dave said...

Ummm I can just smell that baking.

Olivier said...

magnifique cette vitrine, on se croirait dans un conte d'Andersen

Small City Scenes said...

I love it---just wipe away the snow on the window and peek ind see all the yummy goodies. What a great decorator. MB

I seldom watch TV so was hardpressed to pick some shows that i had seen. LOL MB

VP said...

A very nice decoration and, for what I can see, the inside is quite interesting.

Gunn said...

What a nice and unique place!:-)

Catherine said...

Même pensée qu'Olivier, parfait endroit pour fabriquer la bonne galette dorée. Il n'en manque le parfum du beurre...

brattcat said...

What a lovely job they've done. I wouldn't be able to resist going in regularly to this little bakery.

Suburban Girl said...

It looks very inviting!

Cergie said...

Je ne sais si les colorants sont bien tous naturels (betterave, oignon ? On s'en sert bien pour les oeufs de Pâques...) mais je me suis pourlèché les babines en reluquant les éclairs et autre religieuses et gâteaux aux macarons et crème au beurre. Les galettes sont-elles bonnes ? Je suis TRES difficile et c'est plus de saison à présent (après le 6 janvier) qu'avant noël... Tu sais bien que lorsqu'on a la fève il faut offrir la galette suivante : je l'ai déjà eue 2 fois !

Leif Hagen said...

You walked PAST it? Really? You didn't go in and buy some "pain au chocolat?!

Unseen India Tours said...

Beautiful and fantastic !!

Clueless in Boston said...

It looks wonderful. A few little patisseries with coffee would be wonderful right about now.

Cezar and Léia said...

It looks so inviting!
God bless you!

Birdman said...

French bread and sipping wine in this bakery. Any better? Nice image.

EG CameraGirl said...

This is wonderful decor. It makes me want to be a customer...but it's a long way for me to go!

Sharon said...

Ciel, these photographs are really special. Truly gorgeous work!


A l a i n said...

Je suis d'accord une vitrine très belle.

donnie said...

little magic windows full of joy

Unknown said...

LOVELY! Were the 7 Dwarfs out for work? :-)