Thursday, 21 January 2010

Des ours polaires

As seen on Saturday, sculptures by Pascal Masi in the courtyard of the Hôtel du Bailliage.
Vues samedi dernier, des sculptures de Pascal Masi dans la cour de l'hôtel du Bailliage.


Lowell said...

The more I see of Masi's work, the better I like it. Spare and angular, yet he is able to capture the essence of the animal!

By the way, did you accuse me of "lagging"? Of course, I was lagging. I'm a laggard in good standing! :-)

Paulie said...

What an interesting fun courtyard!

Tara said...

What an interesting sculpture and Masi must be a great artist. Thanks and I like that red one.

Bob Crowe said...

I quite like the first one. It's icy. But the red image of a polar bear? There's not much red in the arctic, so, unless newborn...

Clueless in Boston said...

I like them too. Very interesting to see silver and red polar bears.

Louis la Vache said...

Ours amusants! ;-)

VP said...

With this weather they probably feel perfectly at ease...

Malyss said...

J'aime bien!Et les ours polaires en tant que symboles, et les statues que tu nous montre. Elles sont simples et jolies, on dirait des sculptures de Pompon modernes!

Cezar and Léia said...

C'est toujours un voyage culturel les visites qui je faites à ton blog.
J'ai aimé ces sculptures, elles sont pleines de grâce! :)

Sharon said...

I love these sculptures. They are so unique.

Small City Scenes said...

I love these bears. I want the red one in my woodland garden. MB

glduro_marieloupe said...

What a contrast with the environment so classic of Versailles!

Quel contraste avec l'environnement si classic de Versailles!

Cergie said...

Polaires de l'Artique (au nord) alors que les manchots poussent dans l'Antartique (au sud) !
Moins doux pour les câlins que des Teddy bears mais assez lisses tout de même pour faire de bons sièges !

Halcyon said...

Tes ours sont mignons ! Ils me rappellent des ours berlinois (?). Ils en ont des différents sorts décorés partout dans la ville.

Bonne weekend a toi. Je pars demain pour Hawaii. J’ai hâte !

Unknown said...

Never seen them before, they are fantastic! I especially like the red one.

Rob Siemann said...

C'est genial!!!

Renate D. said...

Für Samstag wünsche ich dir viel Vergnügen! Solche Ausflüge kommen mich immer teuer zu stehen, weil ich so viele schöne Dinge sehe, die ich unbedingt brauche. Geht es Dir auch so?
Übrigens konnte ich auch überhaupt nicht nähen, als ich mit dem Quilten begann. u
Und ich hatte auch keine Nähmaschine.
Nur Mut, Du hast ja eine tolle Expertin, die Dir raten kann!
Liebe Grüße Renate D.

Sharon said...

That is a gorgeous building, Ciel. I'm not so wild about the polar bears though.


EG CameraGirl said...

I'd like the polar bears better if they were white. Well, the silver one is OK but the red one turns me right off.

Suzanne said...

These are really great, I just didn't scroll down!!! What fun they look like they're having.

Tash said...

the silly thing is that the name for them that comes to mind is Care Bears...They look so friendly. Wonderful captures of an interesting setting.