Friday, 1 January 2010

January CDP Theme Day: Changes/Bonne Année 2010 !

Happy New Year to all of you, and happy new decade! May they be full of joy and happiness.
I checked the portal waaaayyy too late to realize that the theme had changed, so considering nothing much has changed in Versailles, here are the fireworks from the August Night Waters at the palace to celebrate the New Year and an ever deepening relationship with the man who wants to marry me... Big change in my life... someday!
Click here to view thumbnails for all participants
I am sorry that I can't visit all your blogs, as I am away in Quimper.
Bonne année 2010 à tous, bonne nouvelle décennie, pleines de bonheur, de joie, la santé et tout et tout !
J'ai regardé le portail CDP beaucoup trop tard pour voir que le thème avait changé. Comme rien n'a véritablement changé à Versailles, voici un retour en Août aux Eaux Nocturnes pour célébrer le Nouvel An et dire à quel point ma vie a changé avec l'homme qui veut m'épouser... Grand chamboulement dans ma vie... un jour ! Désolée de ne pouvoir visiter tous vos blogs, je suis à Quimper et j'aime bien y être au Moyen Age.


Virginia said...

Well how wonderful for you! Thanks for sharing your good news with all of us today! Big changes indeed!
Bonne Année !

B SQUARED said...

Ciel-this is huge. I am so happy for you. A wonderful way to start the new year. Best wishes.

Zyzzyz said...

Big changes for you. I hope you will be very happy.

tapirgal said...

Wow, Ciel! I see how appropriate the fireworks are :) What a wonderful way to celebrate the new year!!! All the best to you both!

akarui said...

Tres bonne annee Ciel de Quimper !! mes meilleurs voeux pour 2010 !

Leif Hagen said...

Congratulations on some exciting, possible CHANGES in 2010! We don't want to be the last to know . . .
Bonne Annee'!

Dina said...

That news calls for lots of fireworks!
What a lucky man he is.
Wishing you the best of changes.

VP said...

Great changes coming... Congratulations!
Happy New Year to you all!

brattcat said...

I'm wrapping a big hug around you, dear Ciel. May 2010 be a year of joy for you.

Small City Scenes said...

Great changes-I should say.

What wonderful news--someday.

Happiness to you in all you do. MB

Louis la Vache said...

Bonne année!

Unknown said...

Love the silver rain!
Happy New Year, Ciel!

Halcyon said...

Did you say yes?? :)

I guess there will be some big changes for you in 2010!!

Catherine said...

Ca étincelle de mille feux, dis donc !.....Tu prends un virage et tu continues d'avancer, c'est merveilleux !
Inutile de te souhaiter une bonne année, Cieldequimper. Je le fais quand même, de tout coeur.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Sam: We started our City Daily Photo blog a year ago today. You were one of our early and always faithful readers. Your blog has inspired us through the year. We hope that you continue to post your wonderful photos and text and that this "significant other" in your life realizes that your readers need you too! Just imagine in your home, two laptops, two happy bloggers posting and visiting sites all over the world!


Sharon said...

I'm always in favor of fireworks. Bonne Annee to you! I hope you and your family have a wonderful new year. said...

You do indeed have big changes ahead. Best wishes for the New Year.

And isn't Versailles one of those places that is not supposed to change? Who would want to tour the state rooms of Versailles and see Danish modern furnishings?

Three Rivers, Michigan said...

I'm always happy to see fireworks - happy new year to you!

Three Rivers Daily Photo

Laurent said...

Bonne et heureuse année à toi et tes proches et plein de belles photos de Versailles pour 2010 !

Bergson said...

Je te souhaite un mariage royal !!
Une année qui sera excellente pour toi
Je te souhaite le meilleur pour vous deux

cieldequimper said...

Thank you / merci all / tous.
It will probably take me a while to actually tie the knot, but the principle has been accepted!

Julie said...

gorgeous new year's day post. and good luck with the man in your life! Happy New Year and I wish you many good photos in 2010!

Malyss said...

2010 va être un grand cru pour toi! je te souhaite donc tout le bonheur possible!!( et qu'il dure longtemps, et au-delà!Ü)

IamMBB said...

Here's to celebrating life's beautiful changes!

Paulie said...

Best of everything in 2010 but most of all with your sweetie! I look forward to reading about the great event someday!

Happy New Year a bit late as I thought you would not be posting while you were gone.

Marie-Noyale said...

Bravo je te souhaite tous mes meilleurs voeux pour une annee pleine de promesses..

Cergie said...

Oh comme c'est beau !
Cet homme qui veut t'épouser !
Etre choisie et élue (par quelqu'un que tu aimes) !
Et cela tu es en train de le vivre CETTE année que je te souhaite heureuse !