Thursday, 14 June 2012

Plafond du salon de la Paix

This is the ceiling of the Peace drawing room at the palace. Painted by Charles Le Brun in 1686, it represents the benefits of peace (the peace of Nijmegen). You may imagine the queen listening to, or playing music under this ceiling...

Le plafond du salon de la Paix, représentant les bienfaits de la paix (en l'occurrence du traité de Nimègue), a été exécuté par Charles Le Brun en 1686. La pièce se transformait en salon de musique pour la reine.


Olivier said...

magnifique ce plafond, il savait passer le temps avant

Halcyon said...

I still want to get someone to paint my ceiling. So fancy! :)

Jack said...

Some things are just so remarkable that it is hard to imagine that they occupy the same world I do . . .

Wayne said...

Jack summed it up really well, it's remarkable to just be in the same room ...

Regina K said...

Truly magnificent!


You managed a sublime photograph of a sublime piece of art - sigh, absolutely breathtaking.

Bob Crowe said...

From the thumbnail this looked like a strange signet ring. French monarchs didn't always like things peaceful, did they?

Randy said...

Beautiful piece of art.

Thérèse said...

Un bien différent spectacle que celui apperçu par les fenêtres... :-)

Bergson said...

ça ressemble à une bague

Bergson said...

j'oubliais de préciser que mes fraises étaient excellentes : bio et cueillies avec soin par bibi

Dina said...

OK, I try to imagine . . .

Cezar and Léia said...

Beautiful symbolism!Very romantic painting as well!

VP said...

The period is great and the ceiling is amazing!

Unknown said...

Stunning ceiling, great shot, Ciel!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

If only more people would realize the benefits of peace Ciel.Exquisite ceiling.
p.s. sorry you're having such horrible weather, at least it is actually winter here.

Malyss said...

Un bijou, au propre comme au figuré.

BaysideLife said...

It really is beautiful. I hope the Queen looked up occasionally as she listened to the music.

Lowell said...

I still want to know how they did such beautiful work on a they got dimensions and perspectives right! Amazing stuff!

Loree said...

What a ceiling! I wonder whether the queen even noticed it.

A l a i n said...

splendide pour mieux apprécié il aurais été bien de prends un grand angle vue la dimension ; très réussit