Tuesday, 19 June 2012

Les lustres sous la voûte

The evening light on the crystal chandeliers was so beautiful at the hall of mirrors during Cecilia Bartoli's recital! Just for the pleasure, watch this video and tell me about it! If you like it, try this one. There is a torchère of the hall of mirrors on Artsy Versailles.

La lumière du soir était si belle sur les lustres en cristal de la galerie des glaces pendant le récital de Cecilia Bartoli ! Juste pour le plaisir regardez cette vidéo et dites-m'en des nouvelles ! Si vous aimez, regardez celle-ci ! Il y a une torchère de la galerie des glaces sur Artsy Versailles.


Olivier said...

belles vidéos, on se croirait dans un film de capes et d’épées, mais que fait lagardere ;)

Regina K said...

Incredible voice!

Sylvia K said...

She does indeed have a fabulous voice and such energy! Thanks for including them! Hope you have a great week!


Halcyon said...

So beautiful! Perfect surroundings for a concert. :)

Wayne said...

That first video was pretty amazing, it must have been a special performance!


How amazing it must have been to see her that evening! Both videos are gorgeous and the second is one of my favorite Handel pieces! I haven't seen her live in a while - thanks so much for sharing this loveliness!

Bob Crowe said...

Who dusts them, and how?

Randy said...

That voice, the surroundings, outstanding.

A l a i n said...

effectivement cela doit être très beau, je pense aussi avait que l’électricité et apparut l'éclairage étais à la bougie surement avec le mouvement de vent il y a des reflex très jolie et poétique....

Malyss said...

Pff, quelle voix! et les lustres de Versailles ! (au propre comme au figuré..)Dur de redescendre sur terre apres, hein...

Cezar and Léia said...

Wonderful video Ciel, thanks for the link.Elle est magnifique!
I like a lot this picture!

Unknown said...

I think this is the very room where Joana Vasconcelos has her Marilyn huge high heel shoes made of pans on display.

Birdman said...

What if all that glass started tinkling at the same time. Noise? Music?

VP said...

Love the picture, the video and, for once, even the palace itself!

BaysideLife said...

This room and these chandeliers defy words. Beautiful doesn't seem to capture the the magic of this place. Listening to the music is on my to do list when I get home.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

She is FABULOUS Ciel, thanks so much I really enjoyed both videos. I can only imagine what it would have been like to hear her in this totally spectacular setting, something to remember forever.

Lowell said...

I'm coming back for the videos, but had to say you know how much I like this marvelous Hall of Mirrors!

Jack said...

I love these chandeliers, Ciel. Of course, my tastes run to the traditional . . .