Wednesday, 28 April 2010

Wednesday Doorway: dans une petite rue

I was strolling through a small street last weekend and liked what I saw... I'm sorry I didn't visit any of your blogs yesterday, I came home from a medical appointment at almost 11 PM...
Je me promenais et ai aimé ce que j'ai vu... Désolée de ne pas vous avoir rendu visite hier mais je ne suis rentrée d'un rendez-vous médical qu'à 23 h...


Paulie said...

Lots of beautiful details in the architecture and the trees make it look regal.

brattcat said...

I hope all is well, Ciel. That was a very long day!

Woody said...

I really look forward to your Wednesday posts - I love the doors! You have such a great selection. Ours are REALLY boring - no personality at all.

Thérèse said...

Beautiful door brighten up by a flowering tree!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Nice piece of architecture. Hope all is well with you.

Leif Hagen said...

I love the architecture and the lovely blooming tree in the yard! Looks like EXPENSIVE real estate!
I hope that you had good news at the end of your medical exam!

Olivier said...

j'espère pas trop grave ta visite médicale ? belle maison meulière avec cet arbre devant

T. Becque said...

Lovely colors again. I also hope you are well.

Loree said...

I love the colour of that door and the buds on the trees.

Louis la Vache said...

As he has said before and will say again now, «Louis» makes it a point to stop here on Wednesday to see what fabulous door you've found for us.

Malyss said...

En fait il y a deux portes celle du jardin et de ses jolis arbres, et l'autre , décalée, qui semble s'avancer pour concurrencer les fleurs..
23h! j'espère que tu n'as rien de grave?!.

VP said...

I like what you find in small streets, this is really a nice image. Take care...

Sorcerer said...

ya know.. even in Bangalore, which is nick named the garden city(the place I am from) the roads are aligned with trees, and now..they are in full blossom.
Its a great view to walk beneath them in the morning.
the whole scene is breathtaking

B SQUARED said...

I like what you saw, too. Looks like the door is divided. Must be very old for such a small opening.

Anonymous said...

I always look forward to your doorway and reflections posts, Ciel.

They never disappoint!


Small City Scenes said...

Love all these doorways. I was in Seattle for the past few days with a friend who also had a medical appointment. All is well here I hope you can say the same.
Have I got a door for you. I went to St. James Cathedral and their big front doors are impressive.

Going to Seattle is so funny for me. I grew up in Seattle but have lived in the country for so long that I forgot what the city is like. And I got a crink in my neck looking up and oohing and ahhing. haha!! I seldom see jets out here and they fly so low there I was like a country bumpkin. Too funny. You would laugh at me. I did!! MB

tapirgal said...

That is gorgeous! A beautifully-composed scene. I love the color on the door, too. Such a great combination of colors. Our trees are doing the same thing right now. If they had blossoms before, the blossoms are half gone and the leaves are half in. I, too, hope you're OK. Thanks for visiting and commenting :)

Cezar and Léia said...

Thanks for offering us such a nice image! :)
God bless you!

Becky said...

Ooh, this is lovely! I'd like to stroll down this small street myself.

Unknown said...

Beautiful, Ciel!

Catherine said...

Une petite terrasse au dessus de la porte !!! Nice !

Un médecin qui reçoit en heures sup. ? Bad !