Tuesday, 6 April 2010

La façade du musée Lambinet

On Palm Sunday, we went to visit one of Versailles' lesser known museums: le musée Lambinet. I will be showing you a few of the exhibits as we go along. This private house dating back to the era of king Louis the 15th was bequeathed to the city of Versailles in 1929 by the Lambinet family. It became the municipal museum, housing decorative arts and objects pertaining to Versailles' history and the French Revolution. The museum will be closed until September but tip for later: entrance is free on the last Sunday of each month. Here 's a nice review of the museum.
Le dimanche des Rameaux, nous avons visité un lieu moins connu de Versailles : le musée Lambinet dont je vous montrerai par la suite quelques détails. Cet hôtel particulier d'époque Louis XV a été légué à la ville de Versailles par la famille Lambinet en 1929 pour devenir le musée municipal. On y trouve des arts décoratifs, des peintures et des objets relatifs à l'histoire de la ville et à la Révolution Française. Le musée sera fermé à partir du 18 avril jusqu'en septembre, mais bon à savoir, l'entrée est gratuite le dernier dimanche du mois.


Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Free is always good, although I appreciate the need to maintain their exhibits, etc.

Lowell said...

What a great place! I'd love to see all the artifacts. Wonder why it's closed 'til Sept. And this is the place of your benches, right?

Halcyon said...

It's beautiful from the outside at least!

Suzanne said...

Can't wait to see some of the exhibits. When and if I ever get to France I will be sure to go on the last Sunday of the month!

Paulie said...

Love those old houses -- especially when they are refurnished according to the times. Bet it is a neat museum. I like free on one day a month -- that way everyone can have an opportunity to go.

B SQUARED said...

Beautiful! Looking forward to seeing more.

Bob Crowe said...

We have little of this sort of elegance in the US. We're just too young (and act like it sometimes). Maybe a bit in the older cities of the Northeast.

Anonymous said...

I can't wait to see interior photos. The exterior is beautiful.


Dave said...

Looking forward to the inside shots. I seem to remember the Louvre being free on the last Sunday too, do all the museums have this Sunday as a free day?

Olivier said...

comme petite residence secondaire, je ferais bien un effort, superbe

Malyss said...

Ce que j'aime dans ce genre de musée, c'est qu'en le visitant,on entre chez une famille, on découvre là où ils vivaient, on imagine, ou du moins on essaie, de voir quel était leur quotidien..Ha, se promener en longue robe de dentelle blanche, un soir d'été, dans les jardins français de la maison Lambinet...:-)

VP said...

I know from a good source that they have charming benches, inside and outside. I'm almost happy it is closed next July...

Kim said...

It looks lovely, and I hope you had a good time there.

Small City Scenes said...

I just love museums. I am glad you got to go visit. Show us the inside. MB

BTW: I sent you an email. MB

brattcat said...

Tres elegant.

Louis la Vache said...

This museum may not be well-known, but «Louis» has heard of it, but not visited it. He looks forward to your further posts about it.

BaysideLife said...

What a beautiful building. I have window envy. Such long elegance must allow spectacular light into those rooms. Look forward to seeing some of the inside.

Marie-Noyale said...

A nice gift to the city!!

cieldequimper said...

@ Jacob: spot on!

Anonymous said...

Ciel, you were commenting on my blog just as I was adding a link to your blog to my "other links" section of my new layout.

I just wanted to thank you for your very kind support. It means a lot.


Three Rivers, Michigan said...

An elegant building, I will be interested to see what is inside!

stromsjo said...

Going to be pretty crowded on those Sundays, eh? The smallest museums are the best. Little gems to be found and treasured.

Clueless in Boston said...

It looks like a great little museum.

EG CameraGirl said...

It looks like it has many rooms so it must have taken you hours to see it all!

Dina said...

I wish Israel's museums would learn your custom of having regular free days.