Wednesday, 27 January 2016

Vu de plus loin le chérubin (ça rimerait presque...)

Versailles Rive Droite Train Station
Here's the wider view of yesterday's cherub...

La photo de près, c'était hier.
Versailles Rive Droite Train Station


Unknown said...

Oh that's really cool..I love the framing of the cherub by the arch...

Revrunner said...

Big baby! :-)

William Kendall said...

Quite dramatic lit up at night!

Michelle said...

Quite artistic and dramatic!

Bob Crowe said...

This feels a bit intimidating to me - a much larger than life cherub about to burst through the gate and terrorize the city? Reminds me of the Pillsbury Doughboy in Ghostbusters.

Dave said...

Very dramatic. Where did that person in the bottom picture come from?

Halcyon said...

That certainly puts him into perspective!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

There's nothing ordinary about this entrance Ciel, look forward to seeing it myself :)

Lois said...

I didn't realize it was so large. I like the lighting.

VP said...

A giant one!

Sharon said...

That is a very impressive entrance to the station.

joo said...

love it Ciel!

Taken For Granted said...

That must be a projection on the front of this building. Some amazing things can be done by projecting images on buildings, and this may be one example? Dramatic pictures.

Lowell said...

Nice photography but there's nothing I find attractive in cherubs. Maybe it's something I ate this morning? ;)

RedPat said...

Fabulous location for it, Ciel!

EG CameraGirl said...

The cherub is so nicely framed!

Jack said...

They didn't spare any money in this renovation, did they?

Daryl said...

WOW .. what an image ... beautiful