Thursday, 13 March 2014

Produits locaux

The market is a great place to buy local stuff like the seasonal produce in the above photo that all comes from Crespières.

Les beaux produits locaux de saison de la photo du haut proviennent de Crespières.


Sylvia K said...

Mmmmmm! Looks like my kind of place!! You do find a lot of those and I want to visit them all!! Hope your week is going well, Ciel!!


I love the bustling energy as much as the beautiful local produce! (Also enjoyed what you did with the photos)

Sunnybrook Farm said...

This is a lean time for our local markets, close to planting time and soon fresh things will arrive. Lots of things are shipped in but it is not as good as the fresh things locally.

William Kendall said...

We won't be seeing markets until May. The only thing going on at one of ours until then will be the syrup producers.

Randy said...

Nothing like a good Farmer's Market.


P.S. Forgot to say I loved your tale about your dad's exam!

Dave said...

Its always good to buy local if you can and put something back into the community.

Stuart said...

The scene is nicely embellished with your zoom effects !

Thérèse said...

Il n'y a rien de mieux que de savoir d'ou viennent les produits que l'on achete. Ce n'est pas toujours evident de nos jours.

Anonymous said...

Look the dynamic effect, still making me hungry though!

Lowell said...

Who needs Walmart? What a fantastic place this is. But (sigh) we don't have anything like it. Well, we've got something like it but not nearly as comprehensive.

Re your comment on Ocala: Heh, heh.

Birdman said...

Markets are great place to hang out. Even if you are not buying.

VP said...

Everything looks good and the queue is manageable also for an impatient customer like me!

Sharon said...

I should go get some breakfast now. You are making me hungry.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

I agree Ciel, local is always the best. It makes me cross to see so much imported fruit and veg in our supermarkets.. that's why the markets are so much better.

Halcyon said...

It all looks delicious! Love the effect you made on the last photo. :)

James said...

That's a nice outdoor market I wish there was one around here.

RedPat said...

I can hardly wait for our farmer's markets to open!

Tammie Lee said...

this looks like a market that i would love!

Wayne said...

Great market scenes! I love the effect in the second photo.