Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Les derniers feux de l'automne

Saturday was rather drab and dreary until the sky brightened slightly mid-afternoon, which is when VDP went grocery shopping in Montreuil neighbourhood's main street. It was cold (ooooh VDP loves the cold!) The last colours of autumn nicely framed Saint-Symphorien church and complemented the red bricks of this house!

Samedi dernier il a fait plutôt moche jusqu'à ce que le ciel s'éclaircisse en milieu d'après-midi. C'est le moment qu'a choisi VDP pour aller faire son marché chez les commerçants de la rue de Montreuil. Il faisait froid (VDP adore !) Les derniers feux de l'automne encadraient joliment l'église Saint-Symphorien et complémentaient les briques de cette maison !


Sylvia K said...

What a great match for Fall -- trees and doors! Hope you have a great week, Ciel!!

RedPat said...

That top pic with the church is fabulous!

Kate said...

Both photos capture the best part of autumn. Lovely composition of both.

Michelle said...

Lovely colors in both portraits.

William Kendall said...

Beautiful pics! Nicely composed.

Anonymous said...

Very beautiful autumn images. The red leaves look so pretty against the stone building in the first image. I love the red facade in your second.


Jack said...

Yes, they are pretty. But, VDP, you love COLD? You and I are soooooo different.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

I didn't know French blogs went shopping!!! Love that top shot.

Bergson said...

un décor révolutionnaire

Randy said...

Nice touches of color.

Stuart said...

A great "RGB" shot ! (You captured some beautiful red, green, and blue.) Magnifique !

Cezar and Léia said...

Romantic compositions and so perfect title!I like a lot the colors and the stoned wall house, it's a beautiful house!

Tanya Breese said...

ohhhh these colors!! i think it's fun to go out shopping in the cold! it's so christmas-y to me :)

Tanya Breese said...

ohhhh these colors!! i think it's fun to go out shopping in the cold! it's so christmas-y to me :)

Wayne said...

I can't decide which is better, the bricks or the leaves, both really pop.

Anonymous said...

Red and red, they compliment each other perfectly!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

The trees are tres fab Ciel..wonder how long until they 're naked :)

VP said...

We also got some cold at last, I like the cold...

Karl said...

Both photos are very very nice, I like especially the second one with the red autumanl colors of the tree and the red bricks.

Halcyon said...

I love the touch of red! We still have lots of color here in Berlin. I was at the Tiergarten again today and was amazed at how the leaves are still hanging on. :)

James said...

I like both photos and I also like cold fall days. :-)

EG CameraGirl said...

The red leaves do indeed complement the red of the house. Glad the sun came out at mid day for you.

Loree said...

Oooh I see from your side-bar that it is indeed very cold. Lovely, warm colours in your photo though.