Yesterday I showed you the Christmas market stall. This is the shop 'par faim des terroirs', selling French delicatessen! The FB page is
this way.
Hier je vous montrais les délices alsaciens au marché de Noël : voici la boutique 'par faim des terroirs', dont la page FB est par
la vitrine avec le velo et les herbes,est tres belle.
schwer zu sagen, wie sehr ich die bilder mag. danke für die erinnerungen an frankreich in den ´90 jahren. einen guten freitag dir.
That bike looks like I painted it, LOL.
One thing about the holidaze, there is certainly plenty of different foods to choose from.
The bike is perfect in the first photo! It's such a pretty colour.
I beg your forgiveness for my cutting and pasting my comment, but there was no way on Earth I would be able to make it around the whole globe to wish everybody a Merry Christmas otherwise.
The magical elves that constitute my staff have demonstrated their lack of respect in either not showing up for work at all, or those that have all seem a little worse for wear (if you catch my drift). All they seem to do is sit around smoking cigarettes that, frankly, smell funny. In addition, they play cards and tell dirty jokes rather than do their jobs! Consequently, the reindeer are all filthy and out of shape.
Despite my best efforts, the couple of chooks, arthritic wallaby and three peculiar wombats that I’ve drafted in just don’t cut it as replacements.
Anyway, all the way down here at the bottom of the world (A.K.A. Tasmania), and from myself, Jen, Henry and Ezra, please have a Merry Christmas/ Winter Solstice/ Summer Solstice/ Hanukkah/ Festivus/ Ashura and a happy New Year!
I hope that all of your holiday photos turn out to be triumphs, your stocking is stuffed full of lots of tasty treats and not coal and that all your pumpkin pies/ prawn cocktails/ currywurst are all as tasty as can be!
Such a lovely scene and the bicycle does set the stage. It is so green for this time of year.
I love that Turquoise bike!
Régine Desforges achète des fleurs. Elle a laissé sa bicyclette bleue devant la porte.
French Deli with all these yummy staff! Promising:)
Have a great day!
I forget to say that I LOVE the bike:)
Un petit gout de campagne en ville.. j'aime!et le nom est tres joli!
A little shop full of yummy goodies is the very best kind of shop! What a selection Ciel! Lovely composition with the bicycle and the window reflections. I hope that you and your family have the very best Christmas.
A very green bike...
That bike is too perfect! Love it.
... and a very cool bike. I want to peddle away.
I love, love the BLUE bike!
Joyeux Noel 'a toi
It seems to me that you are spending way too much time in these elegant little shops this holiday season! I'm just jealous, though!
We're heading south tomorrow for a few days. Have a very merry one with the ones you love!
Your images are wonderful to see. There is a little deli in Keswick I love to visit and they have a window display... including a bicycle..
It's supposed to look French and now I know they have suceeded..
I wish you and yours all the best for Christmas and I hope you have a lovel 2012..xx
French delicatessen! Mmmmmmmmm.... :-)enalina
Wonderful captures! The top photo could be a post card. Hope you're enjoying the season.
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