Il y avait d'adorables objets made in Versailles en vente au marché de Noël du quartier Saint-Louis ! Ci-dessus les poétiques cartes de Zinzind'amour dont le site est par ici. Dessous, les ravissantes aquarelles que propose Domitille Leriche. Elle vend également des stickers muraux à tomber ! Le site Les Moineaux Décoration, c'est par ici.
deux beaux sites, j'aime beaucoup les creations sobres de ZinZin d'amour
This I would like. What a wonderful difference from the crap we find at Walmart and other, similar stores.
Little drawings like these are surely better then those found in a shopping centers !!!
I love little things like this made individually.
Aimee would be in heaven here Ciel, she cannot resist anything handmade like this, and the good thing is she always finds a way to use them!
I love the snowmen. They are so happy. Love the artwork too if I small children, I would buy some.
These alone would make the nicest gift.
Christmas markets are great for many reasons, one of which is that you will find things there that you won't find elsewhere.
A traditional sort of charm. Our family isn't big on holiday decorations and cards. We just want all of us together.
C'est plus sympa quand il y a des produits locaux. Souvent, on trouve les mêmes choses dans toutes les villes.
such dear little images.
I am not a great fan of these things, but these are lovely!
I enjoy that style of card, clean, simple, and cheery. And who wouldn't love that children's art?
They are so lovely, I love the red ones with snowman:)
J'adore ces petites aquarelles!
Cute and very precious!
People are very talented to create so lovely cards!
Very creative. I haven't sent any cards this year, I don't think I'll get to it either (it's the way it's been lately, sounds like it for you too) :(
les sticker muraux à tomber c'est seulement si tu essaye de t'y accrocher
I like seeing people's creative work. I especially like homemade cards.
Trop mimi ! Je n'ai pas encore recu une carte de Noel. :(
J'espere que cette tradition n'est pas completement perdue !
Very cute! I can't wait to take my daughter to France some day.
THe cards are so cute! If I did Christmas cards, I'd want those :D
It's rather a pity I no longer write paper cards... otherwise these unique Zinzibar designs would be the style I'd go for (hah! I just saw that Kaori wrote the same!) And the wall plaques are adorable. (I'm having a heckuva time keeping up with my favorite blogs... but I do view them in my reader.)
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