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Monday, 11 April 2011
La Maréchalerie
This, ladies and gents, is the back of the king's small stables, which I showed you here. It is also now la Maréchalerie, Versailles' contemporary art centre, linked to the school of architecture. There's stained glass today on Artsy Versailles.
The dome is, well, incredible. Perfectly framed by those trees. I found this amazing old abandoned amusement park today that had similarly enormous trees.
Je ne sais quoi admirer le plus : le ciel et la coupole plombés, les volumes, la lumière, la douceur des teintes ou les troncs vénérables ; alors je vais m'en tirer d'une pirouette :
Quand le maréchal rit Dans la maréchalerie Tous les maréchals (?) rient Dans la maréchalerie
Beautiful! Love this perspective.
I like the domes in this style of architecture. It's such a nice way to relate the building to the sky. Nicely framed here by the trees.
A gorgeous building in lush surroundings. And a good way to build a stable path for artists and students! :-)
what a beautiful environment, thoughts and work surely will be reflected by the students.
please have a good new week.
Nice shot. The building is nice but the trees really stole my attention. I wonder how old they are.
The dome is, well, incredible. Perfectly framed by those trees. I found this amazing old abandoned amusement park today that had similarly enormous trees.
Even the back of the stables is fantastic! I can see why you like taking photos at the palace.
il est beau ce dome et j'aime la couleur du batiment, les couleurs font tres sud de la france
Looks great. Wow the back of the stable. Good for the horses and now the students. MB
beau cadre végétal
Je ne sais quoi admirer le plus : le ciel et la coupole plombés, les volumes, la lumière, la douceur des teintes ou les troncs vénérables ; alors je vais m'en tirer d'une pirouette :
Quand le maréchal rit
Dans la maréchalerie
Tous les maréchals (?) rient
Dans la maréchalerie
Un faux air d'église byzantine...
An interesting building. Contemporary art center? What a waste...
I'm sure Marina will be crazy visiting there!
She is really thinking of Architecture but she still has one year ahead to decide.
J'aime bien ce mot desuet, marechalerie..L'architecture est interessante, avec ses domes et ses decalés.
Nice composition on this one.
That is some fancy schmancy stables Ciel! :)
V in horses? It was good to be king. Beautiful.
Beautifully framed, Ciel, by the two large trees. Your composition is quite good.
The horses must have been very well treated to live in such a great place.
Wonderful building and I also love the big tree trunks in the foreground.
What a beautiful building. The architecture is superb. Those were some lucky horses.
Great architecture and nature - two of my favorites.
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