Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Couleurs du printemps

Scenes of spring in town.


Olivier said...

beau post et une scène très printanière. Les fleurs sont très belles

Anonymous said...

These are amazingly beautiful.

Chapeau !

Please have a good Tuesday.

Thérèse said...

Comme cela sent bon le printemps!

Regina K said...

Oh the beauty of spring, what a welcome sight!

Lowell said...

Ah, wonderful spring. The top photo - that's the same corner you've shown before, right. I've been there.

Have you been able to sit and meditate on that bench like the fellow in your picture?

Halcyon said...

Beautiful tulips! A real sign of spring. :)

Anonymous said...

I really like how all the different flowers are mixed together, it make for a stunning scene in the middle of the buildings, like an oasis.

Bob Crowe said...

The light in the first one is so perfect, the splash of brightness across the blue-gray street.

Randy said...

Such happy color!

T. Becque said...

I think my heart melted when I saw this - how pretty.

Dina said...

What would we do without flowers.

Thirtytwo degrees said...

Very picturesque! Love both scenes, as they are so "feel good" in every way. Also enjoyed "artsy" Versailles yesterday too. Merci!

Cezar and Léia said...

I love that composition in the first shot, the combination of colors, it's adorable!
And the second one...hmmm that bench is very special!Cool ;)

VP said...

Our spring is a bit cloudy today...

Diane said...

Amazing how many flowers have blossomed since the weather has turned warmer. Lovely photos. x

SRQ said...

Spring has arrived! Gorgeous top photo with all those flowers. Tulips are so pretty in bloom. What are the other flowers?

BaysideLife said...

I envy the gentleman in the second photo. What a perfect moment. The flowers in the first are spectacular.

Malyss said...

Ce melange blanc et rouge est particulièrement tonique!le banc: place de rêve, place pour rever...

Maria said...

schöne Fotos! viele Grüße


cieldequimper said...

@ SRQ: late hyacinths and daffodils.

Clueless in Boston said...

Very pretty street scene with the flowers in the foreground.

Yeah, maybe our planes will cross mid ocean.

Loree said...

What lovely colours. It looks so peaceful and beautiful.

Alain said...

Purée, toutes ces tulipes ! On voit que vous avez les moyens à Versailles !

Unknown said...

A feast for the eye!

Kaori said...

Well, someone's enjoying it ;D

Anonymous said...

The tulips are beautiful. I wish I had a garden full.
