Friday 29 May 2009

Un verre rue des Réservoirs

Having a drink on Réservoirs street.


Cezar and Léia said...

Dear Ciel
I love this cozy atmosphere Françoise!
I'm here thinking ....ONE DAY...ONE DAY... I will visit there!
Beautiful composition in this picture and perfect as usually!
Kind regards

Lowell said...

Nicely composed again, Ciel...beautiful play of light and color, too. What a great place to sit down and enjoy some liquid refreshment...

Tammie Lee said...

I like the mood in this image. The shadows are wonderful too!

Clueless in Boston said...

I like the feeling of sitting down at a cafe table out of the sun and having a nice cold brew, er I mean water.

tapirgal said...

That was a cute response :) At least in the US, we can sit on the grass, but I do love your old monuments!

Bergson said...

- Un réservoir rue des réservoir normal ??

- Non c'est fou !!

Olivier said...

ce post est sponsorisé par Perrier ;o)) un angle original pour la photo.

Frankie / Nick said...

Looks like a petty good day for a drink at that! Enjoy.

Unknown said...

This is France to me; enjoying a drink on a nice café.

VP said...

I love Perrier, maybe Citron, and I like the atmosphere of this photo.

That is the chicken said...

C'est une photo tres francaise! Jaime beaucoup... and I wish I was sitting relaxing in this cafe right's been a very busy week!

alice said...

C'est bien, tu es très raisonnable! Bon et beau weekend!

Gerardo said...

I love Paris, and love Versalles, Thank you dor your beautiful shots of that place of the city.

Becky said...

Next time I'm in Versailles, I'll join you for another. :) This image relaxes me just by looking at it.

crocrodyl said...

Great place to take a cup of coffee, tea and everything else:)
Have a nice weekend!

Cergie said...

Tu as déjà tout de la grande ! Un bloggueur ne doit pas se déshydrater, c'est ce que j'ai appris en rencontrant des bloggueurs. Visiter en allant de café en bistrot et on sait tous des goûts des uns et des autres. Alors toi c'est Perrier ?
(Je te soupçonne de ne pas avoir choisi au hasard la bouteille aux bulles connue à l'international)

Unknown said...

If I were you I would try to sell the photo to Perrier! It would make a great new campaign! :-)

Rob said...

Thank you for this refreshment. An enjoyable scene to sit here and view.

Dina said...

Very inviting!

Anonymous said...

Oh, I like that!