Sunday 31 May 2009

Chaud !

It can get really warm in the palace grounds, looking towards the "grand canal"!
Il peut faire très, très chaud en plein cagnard quand on observe le grand canal !


Lowell said...

When does it get warm there? We were there at the end of June and it was so cold ... colder than a .... well, it was really, really cold!

It's so beautiful, though, we wandered all over the place anyway.

There was no activity in the "grand canal" the day we were present...

Nice shot, Ciel!

Cezar and Léia said...

Maybe with a bit milder temperature one can enjoy the place at its best...

Barb said...

Nice pic,I hope the temp is cooler than it is here....Barb

tapirgal said...

Nice photo! I like the little bit of blue water, and the shadow on the ground. I really enjoy visiting!

Julie said...

yes, the heat. Arizona is getting quite hot at the moment. funny though that people here do not use umbrellas to deflect the sun. they really should as your photo captures another functional use of an umbrella quite nicely.

Clueless in Boston said...

It is so hard to take pictures holding an umbrella too.

Dave said...

Its chaud here too. Have a good weekend.

VP said...

I like this kind of photo. Very nice!

crocrodyl said...

Hehe - it looks so nice and funny:)

Sally said...

I remember being there on a freezing cold winter's day in Jan 1981 I think....a little hot chocolate warmed us up!

B SQUARED said...

Perhaps, if the jacket or sweater were removed, it might be a little cooler.

Small City Scenes said...

A nice bumpershoot picture. We live in the rain zone too. MB

Petrea Burchard said...

I guess the weather changes. When we were there in May 2006 it rained at first, but when it cleared it was lovely.

Becky said...

Though people don't do this much here, it gets quite warm. This is common in California, where I used to live. My dad once told me he saw a lady with an umbrella, trying to keep the sun's hot rays off of her head...except the umbrella was made of clear plastic. The sun shone right through. It made him laugh.

Frankie / Nick said...

Personally, I wouldn't be wearing that much clothing in that heat, lol.

EG CameraGirl said...

Parasols are not such a bad idea!

Tim Rucci said...

I really enjoyed viewing your photos and it brought back memories of my trip to France about 10 years ago. On that trip we spent 11 days in France and were able to spent an afternoon at Versailles (which was not enough). It was something I had wanted to do but never knew if I would get the opportunity. Now I want to return and see it all again (and more).

Anonymous said...

That's a clever one!

Fabrizio Zanelli said...

Sure but it should be better to avoid a black umbrella ;-)

A l a i n said...

Quite outstanding!!! your shot

Rob said...

Excellent perspective. You can see far off in the distance how small the people are. This garden is enormous and a pleasure to walk.

Cergie said...

J'adore cette image : le parapluie en guise de parasol... La brume de chaleur et le soleil ont "détouré" la silhouette, les différents cones de la haie et éloigné le Grand Canal et le reste du Parc dans un flou artistique...