Monday 18 May 2009

Rue Hoche

We haven't been having much of a spring until now. Dreary skies and lots of rain and even thunderstorms. This was taken just before a downpour last week. It is the statue of revolutionary General Lazare Hoche, born in Versailles in 1768. Read all about him here. He stands on Hoche place, which becomes Hoche Street! Notre-Dame church provides a nice background.
La semaine dernière, pourrie qu'elle était, m'a tout de même permis de prendre cette photo avant un orage. La statue du général révolutionnaire Lazare Hoche, né à Versailles en 1768, s'élève place Hoche qui devient ensuite la rue Hoche! L'église Notre-Dame assure un bel arrière-plan.


Stefan Jansson said...

Another history lesson. Always interesting.

Passages to the Past said...

Wow...stunning photo! Thank you for posting!

Lowell said...

It is a good thing countries have so many heroes. How in the world would we name our many streets?

Cezar and Léia said...

Amazing composition! Congratulations, this picture is beautiful!

That is the chicken said...

I love the colour of the sky just before it goes very well with the dramatic colours of the statue.

Clueless in Boston said...

Great shot. The very dramatic looking sky.

Julie said...

Gorgeous composition. I love the details. this could be postcard! Thanks for your comments about the nightscape and moon photos on my site. Full moon today.

Hilda said...

Hoche's statue on Hoche plaza on Hoche street. Heehee, sounds like a lot of places here too. But I don't think we have any street chock-full of such gorgeous architecture! I agree with Julie, this can definitely be a postcard. Beautiful.

gogouci said...

Nice dramatic composition !

Laurent said...

This view brings back a lot of souvenirs (my grandparents lived on the rue de la Paroisse).

Dave said...

Yes the weather is very changeable here too but the up side is that suddenly you get some terrific lighting. You've captured it here, good shot.

Olivier said...

une belle place, avec cette horloge tout en or. comme quoi, malgré un temps pourri on peut faire de belle photo (et heureusement, sinon en ce moment on prendrait pas bcp de photos ;o)) )

stromsjo said...

This kind of a compressed view of a cityscape is often interesting. Lots of culture, all in one package.

Bergson said...

Une belle enfilade
Normal avec l'épée
Beau contraste entre le ciel et ces monuments

Nathalie H.D. said...

Je me souviens bien de cette perspective, l'une des plus spectaculaires à Versailles à mon avis. Le ciel plombé doit aussi vous plomber le moral mais ça fait une photo magnifique !

Catherine said...

On n'est pas rancunier à Versailles, ou du moins on y reconnait les enfants du pays.
Très bel angle de prise, toutes ces notes de bleu-ardoise font une belle harmonie avec ce ciel (si désespérant, que je partage et qui fout le moral à zéro).

Unknown said...

Fantastic perspective with so much to see! Gorgeous shot!

Delphinium said...

ahhh, j'espère que le général avait un parapluie à portée de main. :-)

Virginia said...

Well JM took the words out of my mouth so I'll just say, "Ditto"!

B SQUARED said...

I always enlarge your shots. There is so much to see.

EG CameraGirl said...

The sky may be dreary but the overall photo is very, very nice!

Becky said...

This is a fantastic iconic shot. You've got architecture, art, history, and weather, all in one beautiful picture. Well composed!

Juan Manuel Jimenez said...

Very beautiful photo. Weather helps you to take a better shot.

VP said...

Great image, I like the statue against the dark sky with the absolute lack of shadows.

crocrodyl said...

Wow! Great atmosphere of this photo! The sky looks dangerous!

Rob said...

Despite the dreary spring,the stormy sky adds a sense of tension to this scene.

Anonymous said...

I like this photo very much. Are you using a short tele lens?

Leif Hagen said...

Bonjour! Another magnificant composition with the elegant French flair. Love looking through your blog photos. Regards from EAGAN daily photo in Minnesota, USA