Friday, 21 August 2015

Coucou !

Chèvre goat château de Versailles
After lunch at La Véranda... Greetings from the palace grounds! No, you can't get into the garden at Trianon Palace hotel. Non, non... Apologies for not having visited your blogs yesterday, catch up today!

Après déjeuner à la Véranda... Bien le bonjour du parc du château !
Chèvre goat château de Versailles
Chèvre goat château de Versailles
Chèvres goats château de Versailles
Chèvres goats château de Versailles
If you were to stay at Trianon Palace hotel, this would be your view...


William Kendall said...

Very cute!

Unknown said...

Love that first picture, that goat must think it's very special living in such a posh place..

Michelle said...

That first photo is so cute!

RedPat said...

That first goat is a cutie, Ciel! It looks like you are out in the countryside!

Revrunner said...


Kate said...

A very inviting bucolic view!

Dina said...

Cou cou sweet goat!
Those long horns make great back scratchers for them.

Dave said...

I hope goat wasnt on the menu. A beautiful place to eat and the meal looks delicious.

Halcyon said...

A friendly little fellow!

orvokki said...

Nice, they are so cute !

Anonymous said...

Looks like you have a new pal!

Cezar and Léia said...

Aww lovely critters!
Enjoy your day dear Ciel!

VP said...

Love these shots, the first one is great!

EG CameraGirl said...

I very much love the photo of the goat getting a really good look at you and your camera. :)

La cachette à Josette said...

c'est comme la comptine : je te tiens par la barbichette !

Wayne said...

The field look dry, but the goat looks very happy to see you.

Aimeecakes said...

LOVE that first shot

Sharon said...

No complaints about that view!

Siddhartha Joshi said...

This is so very cute!

Siddhartha Joshi said...

This is so very cute!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Haha! J'adore your first shot Ciel.. That's quite a view.

Jack said...

Cute goat.