Thursday, 16 July 2015

"La Maison Blanche"

Centre Spirituel des Soeurs du Cénacle Versailles
Doesn't this look a bit like the White House? A bit? A tiny little bit? It's the first thing that sprang to VDP's mind when she last visited the park of the Spiritual Centre of the Cenacle Sisters. Its façade on Avenue de Paris is very unobtrusive but the park side is gorgeous, at least VDP thinks so! The house once belonged to Louis Bontemps, first valet of the king's room.

Ça ressemble un peu à la Maison Blanche. Un peu ! C'est du moins ce que pensait VDP lors de sa dernière visite du parc du Centre Spirituel des Sœurs du Cénacle. La façade de l'avenue de Paris ne donne aucune idée de la beauté du bâtiment côté parc. Il fut la propriété de Louis Bontemps, premier valet de la chambre du roi.
Centre Spirituel des Soeurs du Cénacle Versailles
Centre Spirituel des Soeurs du Cénacle Versailles


William Kendall said...

It certainly is a beautiful name. I have not heard of that order before.

Unknown said...

I agree with you both it is beautiful, I imagine first valet was a little more than just being a valet if that makes sense?

Photo Cache said...

Very impressive facade. Makes one curious about the interiors.

RedPat said...

It is quite lovely, Ciel! I wonder how many sisters live there as there don't seem to be many women entering the convent these days.

Revrunner said...

It would do in a pinch. :-)

Bob Crowe said...

Well, kind of sort of. At least it's not surrounded by squadrons of Secret Service agents.

Michelle said...

It does rather resemble The White House.

orvokki said...

Really beautiful "little White House".

VP said...

A beautiful building for an unknown order...

Halcyon said...

It's lovely! I don't know if you've ever seen it in person, but the White House is much smaller than you'd think.

Anonymous said...

Beautifully framed by the leaves.

Olivier said...

erreur pendant que je validais mon commentaire, alors au cas ou

Il gagnait bien sa vie le premier valet du roi , c'est une superbe maison blanche

Sharon said...

It does look a bit like that famous house. It's a very grand looking building.

Stuart said...

It does look like the French cousin of the White House. And why can't my name be Bontemps?

Jack said...

First valet? It must have been a better paid job in those days.

EG CameraGirl said...

Well, for sure it's BIG and it's white. ;)

Thirtytwo degrees said...

Lovely. I would love to visit this sometime. Fascinating history.

Kate said...

It is a striking-looking building, large but yet simple lines. Could be considered a smaller version of the White House.