Just before VDP left on her short break, there was some open-air cinema in Jussieu neighbourhood on a very, very hot and humid evening. The film was lovely, 'un monstre à Paris' (I'm sure you'll be able to translate that by yourselves!), a 3D animated musical adventure film by Bibo Bergeron, set in Paris in 1910. It was fun to watch local commercials before the beginning (and those girls were still having fun on the trampoline of parc de la bonne aventure (good fortune park) at that stage! Some people picnicked before the screening!
Juste avant les vacances de VDP, il y avait une soirée ciné de plein air à Jussieu, un soir où il faisait très, très chaud et lourd. "Un monstre à Paris" est un dessin animé de Bibo Bergeron en images de synthèse utilisant également la technique du cinéma en relief, dont l'intrigue se déroule à Paris en 1910. Ce fut une agréable découverte ! Au stade des pubs locales, ci-dessus, les gamines s'éclataient encore sur le trampoline du parc de la bonne aventure. Certains pique-niquèrent avant la projection !

There are one or two parks here that have done that as well. Films outdoors in a park makes for a completely different experience.
yup, even I can translate that :-)
Modern animation is so perfect, I bet it was fun watching this outdoors. My company used to do an event like this in the fall. It was a lot of fun but fell to the budget cut ax.
Nothing like a movie in the park.
To us, there could not possibly be any monsters in Paris. We arrive 2 September and will be there six nights. Versailles is somewhere on the itinerary.
Ça a l'air très sympa ! Je serai a Paris pendant une semaine en fin août. Je n'arrive pas a croire que ça fait sept ans depuis que j'ai quitté la France...
Looks like a take on Phantom of the Opera! How fun, well except for the humid heat. When I was working in Chicago they used to have movies in Grant Park during the summer. I loved going to those and sitting on the lawn with a little wine and a small picnic and all those people doing the same. Such a fun time.
j'adore ces soirées cinémas en plein air, on y passe un bon moment de convivialité
What a fun post!
Looks like fun for all.
Always good to watch a movie outside on a hot summers night!
How late does it have to be start an outdoor movie now? But staying up late would be worth it! Reminds me of my high school days and the drive-in movies in the States.
@ Stuart: it was about 22:30 when the film started I think...
@ Sharon: yes, you're absolutely right about the Phantom of the Opera!
What a fun time! I would have enjoyed all of it, from the picnic part through the movie!
Movies in the park seems like a fun thing. MB
I know the movie and the neighborhood... Nice pictures, quite unusual for you!
@ VP: this is Jussieu in Versailles, not Paris ! :-)
A monster in Paris invades Versailles?!
Looks like fun!
I love this idea. There is a church and a park near me doing this but I have yet to get to either place for a film.
J'adore outdoor movies and picnics in the summer, so cool to be outdoors on hot evenings.. you're making me look forward to summer again Ciel :)
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