Wednesday, 25 June 2014

Steel band

While waiting for the next band on the stage, VDP took a few steps down Satory street where there was a steel band playing colourful and happy and full of rythm music!

En attendant le prochain groupe sur la scène, VDP a fait quelques pas rue de Satory où un steel band jouait sa musique colorée, joyeuse et rythmée !
As you can see, Satory street was packed! The restaurants on the pavement were full too!

Comme vous pouvez le voir, il y avait foule rue de Satory, les terrasses des restos étaient prises d'assaut !


EG CameraGirl said...

I'm not surprised the streets are packed. The atmosphere is sparkling with festivity!

Sylvia K said...

I totally agree with EG!! So much fun! Love it, wish I were there!! Your pics are the next best thing!!

Sunnybrook Farm said...

I like that last view of the street. happy that you are getting around better!

RedPat said...

Wow - what a crowd! I love the sound of a steel band!

Revrunner said...

Whoa! That's one full street.

William Kendall said...

The view of the street's remarkable.

I remember hearing some of those drums played here. It gets quite loud!

Lowell said...

As I recall steel band music comes from the Caribbean islands...such as Bahama. We had a number of them in south Florida. Funny seeing them in France. I can certainly understand the crowds...this would be a super event to attend!

Kate said...

They not only sound wonderful, but it is fun to watch how the music is produced.

Randy said...

I'll bet they were fun to watch.

Bob Crowe said...

I didn't realize that this was national. Somehow I thought it was only in Paris. We have no national festival, other than maybe the Super Bowl, and I don't participate in that.

Tammie Lee said...

I can almost hear the sweet lively music!

Bergson said...

pas facile de passer en fauteuil :-)

Anonymous said...

Very popular event!

Thérèse said...

Pas de quoi s'ennuyer.

Lowell said...

Good morning (here it's morning!). Re your comment on Ocala: One of these days; boy, one of these days! ;)

Halcyon said...

It's nice to see the event got so many people out and about. :)

Wayne said...

Wow, looks like a great time (but I'm not fond of crowds). The steel drums make me want to visit the islands.

VP said...

I like this, I am sure it would be fun listening to their music!

Small City Scenes said...

I always liked the steel drums. Packed like sardines, the streets that is. MB

LOLfromPasa said...

Bet they sounded great! Last time I saw a steel band was on a visit to the States.

Tanya Breese said...

oh i love the sound of a steel band! next time invite me!!

Stuart said...

What great weather to be out soaking up the tunes and wandering the streets.

Jack said...

I am a big fan of summer outdoor festivals like this one.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

So much fun Ciel.. You can't help but enjoy yourself to the sounds of a steel band oui :)