Saturday 17 October 2009

Weekend Reflections: le café la pêche

General Leclerc street reflected in the "fisher's café" near Saint-Louis cathedral, where fishing gear can also be acquired. A long, long time ago, you could buy yourself a bock for 15 centimes...
This is my contribution to James' Weekend reflections.
La rue du Général Leclerc reflétée dans le café la pêche, où l'on peut aussi acquérir des cannes et épuisettes, près de la cathédrale Saint-Louis. Un bock à 15 centimes de franc, c'était il y a bien longtemps ! C'est ma contribution aux Reflets du Weekend de James.


Crafty Green Poet said...

ces reflets sont tres beaux, merci!

Icy BC said...

That is really fantastic!

Diane AZ said...

Fascinating reflection, and it's good to learn what at bock is!

Anonymous said...

I like your reflection very much, the letters and numbers over the building reflection.

James said...

That is really a beautiful reflection. I like the look of the reflected old buildings against the old bock sign.
This is a super post, great job!

akarui said...

J'aime beaucoup la photo du haut avec les reflets. 15 centimes... on ne peut plus rien acheter...

penny said...

This is a wonderful window reflection. You can see both inside and out. It is a marvelous cafe and the fishing gear is a bonus.

Thérèse said...

Jolie contribution... je me disais aussi: que peut-on acquérir pour 15 centimes d'euro? lol
Un carambar au détail peut-être?

Dina said...

Nice one!
Good for those monk Bock brewers!

VP said...

Real vintage sign and a very good reflection. I think they could easily drop the cent sign for the Euro one, and everything will be fine.

Tom said...

I do like this theme and all it as lead me to today... I love the sign as well as the reflection... you have a great looking blog and I will browse here a while.
Thank you for taking the time to visit me over at Wiggers World and topped it off by leaving me such a great comment..

Sharon said...

Love this! I have lots of type friends. I'm going to post this on my facebook page. They will love the lettering.


Gemma Wiseman said...

A fascinating reflection with very stylish lettering!

Regina said...

Nice reflection! Great place and shots.
Happy weekend.

Dagrun said...

Excellente contribution:) Articles de pêche et café en même temps, pas mal...

brattcat said...

Really intriguing reflections here, CQ.

B SQUARED said...

Now I know why they became monks.

Virginia said...

What a great little place. It makes me miss Paris so much!! I love refections as you well know and this is trés beaux Ciell!!

Rune Eide said...

Very fitting - and I love fish.

Dimple said...

Hi, Thanks for visiting my blog! I really like your shot today. Windows are great reflective surfaces, and the lettering adds another dimension.

tapirgal said...

Ciel, that reflection photo is outstanding! Not only do you have great colors and contrast, but the texture is so intriguing! It looks framable to me :)

About the Chinook and whales, I found online (quoted from a member of the Chinook) that it's not clear whether the Chinook actively hunted whales. They did scavenge them on the beaches, and there's a diorama at Fort Clatsop of them doing just that. It seems the whalers were the tribes north of here.

tapirgal said...

Also, I found a page online saying that the whales had reached high numbers again and in 2004 or 2006 (I forgot which) the ban on Native American hunting of them was lifted.

Lowell said...

Very nice reflection. I'm assuming a bock refers to a brewed beverage such as beer. Or, is my ignorance showing again?

Anonymous said...

Very nice. The texture and the graphics combine to give real character to your image.

Ebie said...

I love it! The reflection made the bookstore sign look so spooky!

Catherine said...

Un café multifonction......On dirait même la devanture d'une ancienne boulangerie, non ?

Charlene Amsden said...

What a cool reflection in that plaque! This dazzles!

Jientje said...

There is a lot of nostalgia in this reflection, I also love the old lantarn.

Cergie said...

"Bock" fait partie de mon vocabulaire et j'aime bien ("pisser un bock" par exemple...)
Ce mot j'ai eu le plaisr de le lire dans Bel Ami de Maupassant. Merci pour tes recherches qui ne tombent pas dans l'oeil d'une aveugle...

Cezar and Léia said...

Bonjour chers Ciel de Quimper,
Félicitations pour cette belle photo!
Léia :)

Malyss said...

15 centimes?! ça laisse rêveur..
j'aime l'idée de ce bar lié à la boutique de pêche, l'un dans l'autre et l'un après l'autre. ça a l'air d'un endroit plein de charme!