Sunday 6 March 2016

Le sourire de Sylvie

La Cour Salon de Thé Versailles
A week ago, VDP enjoyed a delightful cuppa spicy chocolate flavoured tea and a delicious cheesecake in the company of a friend at La Cour teashop. She'd been there before, a while ago (see here and here) and in the meantime, Sylvie and her charming smile have taken over!

Il y a une semaine, accompagnée d'une amie, VDP s'est allée à une douceur au salon de thé La Cour (passage des deux portes), un délicieux thé au chocolat et épices et un excellent cheesecake ! VDP s'y était déjà rendue, ici et mais entre temps, Sylvie et son charmant sourire ont pris possession des lieux !
La Cour Salon de Thé Versailles
Cheesecake La Cour Salon de Thé Versailles
La Cour Salon de Thé Versailles


William Kendall said...

Oh boy... that makes me hungry! Fortunately it's the dinner hour in these parts!

Unknown said...

Ah you can't beat a nice tea shop especially if they serve hot chocolate! :)

Revrunner said...

I've often wondered who creates these signs. Nice script.

Wayne said...

Sylvie has a wonderful smile, it's contagious. Thankfully, Anna has crafted a cheesecake this afternoon, I should take some photos before I devour it.

RedPat said...

I've just come back from pizza & beer at my local pub so i'm stuffed but that looks great! ;-)

Bob Crowe said...

The food looks lovely, the room is gorgeous but six euros for a cup of hot chocolate is, I'm afraid, more than I would be willing to spend.

Aimz said...

mmm cheesecake, yum, looks delicious :-)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Cake and Earl Grey tea.. yes please Ciel!

Taken For Granted said...

What a wonderfully sweet place for tea. Great smile portrait.

Sharon said...

Looks delicious! And, Sylvie does have a charming smile.

joo said...

Looks very tasty! I mean cheescake, Sylvia looks very nice:)

Bill said...

Can't go wrong with cheesecake! A very sweet post :)

LOLfromPasa said...

Oh goodness me, that all looks good!

Loree said...

Oh that cake sure looks good!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I'd order the panna cotta, for sure.

Dina said...

Delightful for sure, everything in this post!

Lowell said...

Oh good Lord, that all looks truly decadent. I love it! It's probably good that I live several thousand miles from it, however, as I would tend to be there quite often!