Wednesday 23 March 2016

Le pin blanc d'Amérique

Pin blanc d'Amerique Petit Trianon Versailles white pine
Isn't this gorgeous? It's an Eastern white pine and can be found in the grounds of Petit Trianon castle!

Il se trouve au Petit Trianon.
Pin blanc d'Amerique Petit Trianon Versailles white pine
Pin blanc d'Amerique Petit Trianon Versailles white pine


William Kendall said...

It is a beauty. We do have them here.

Revrunner said...

Much different growth pattern than our similarly named pine.

Unknown said...

That is a very beautiful tree Ciel, I love it...

Aimz said...

ok we don't have them here in NZ but this one looks kinda lop sided and very tall :-)

VP said...

An amazing tree!

Bill said...

I never have seen one of these trees. This one is beautiful.

Tanya Breese said...

it is really pretty! the way it grows reminds me of an eucalpytus

RedPat said...


Loree said...

What a majestic tree.

joo said...

It is gorgeous!

Karl said...

Na.. wie der gewachsen ist ! Schaut sehr gut aus.

Stefan Jansson said...

Very unusual, never seen one in my part of the world.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It is a beauty for sure Ciel, looks like it may have lost quite a big branch there!