Sunday 13 March 2016

Détails de décrépitude

Decay Versailles
Unfortunately, VDP's favourite house in town isn't getting any better. If anything, it has gotten much worse. See it here.

Malheureusement, la maison préférée de VDP en ville ne s'arrange pas... Voyez là en cliquant ici.
Decay Versailles


Revrunner said...

Surely it will get the care and attention it deserves.

RedPat said...

It is so lovely - hope it fixed up a bit.

William Kendall said...

A sad sight.

Aimz said...

I love the old wrought iron, so historical, hopefully someone takes care of it...

Dave said...

Beautiful house, is it privately owned? If so its a huge committment both timewise and financially to keep it in good repair and in keeping with the neighbourhood. Its sometimes interesting to muse as to why its fallen into disrepair. Hopefully it will become loved again and return to its former glory.

Unknown said...

Yes it looks like a wonderful house, so sad to see older important properties being neglected. From the style I'm guessing it's in the St Louis district?

La cachette à Josette said...

l'argent restera toujours le nerf de... l'entretien !

Lowell said...

This is rather reminds me of houses near ocean. But a little TLC could restore its former beauty, oui?

Kate said...

Even when not in good repair, I like wrought iron scroll work.

VP said...

Sad, but it is still in quite good conditions, after all!

cieldequimper said...

@ Geoff: no but good try! It is actually on rue de la Paroisse in Notre-Dame neighbourhood!

Bill said...

Hopefully it will get the care that it needs.

Loree said...

It's so sad. But maybe someone will finally find the money to restore it.

Michelle said...

Hopefully someone will step in to take care of it.

Lois said...

It is sad to see this.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh what a shame Ciel, it's such a lovely building.. Is it abandoned, or still being used?

Bergson said...

pour repeindre des grilles comme celles ci c'est l'enfer

Wayne said...

I like the patina, but only if I were browsing an antique store. I hope it can be restored.

Jack said...

But there is something about light decay that attracts our eye.