Friday 25 December 2015

Joyeux Noël !

Eiffel Tower cake Versailles Pelé
VDP wishes all who celebrate Christmas a very happy day! These pics were taken at Pelé bakery in Notre-Dame neighbourhood last Saturday and VDP liked the Eiffel Towers on the cake, considering what happened this year in Paris in January and November... Below are some traditional log cakes! Bon appétit !

VDP souhaite à tous ceux qui fêtent Noël une journée délicieuse ! Ces photos ont été prises chez Pelé à Notre-Dame samedi dernier et VDP a bien aimé les Tours Eiffel sur le gâteau, au regard de l'année difficile qui vient de s'écouler à Paris, notamment en janvier et novembre...
Vitrine Pelé Versailles Noël
Vitrine Pelé Versailles Noël


Bob Crowe said...

Et pour tu aussi! Joyeux Noël de Saint Louis.

Unknown said...

Looks like a great display Ciel, I do like the mini Eiffel Towers very fitting. I hope you and your family have a fab Christmas day and Father Christmas brings you lots of presents...

Revrunner said...

Whew! I'd have to have a crowd to share even just one of those log cakes :-)

William Kendall said...

Very tempting!

Merry Christmas!

Lowell said...

I'd buy a cake with the Eiffel Towers on it. I've never seen a log cake before but they are also very enticing. Enjoy your holiday, Ciel!

Karl said...

Frohe Weihnachten, Ciel !

Sharon said...

I hope you are having a very Merry Christmas. I love the cake with the Eiffel Towers.

VP said...

Have a Merry Christmas!

Babzy.B said...

Belles fêtes à toi :)

Babzy.B said...

Belles fêtes à toi :)

Aimz said...

loving the festive decorations especially the bear - hoping your Christmas was worthy and lovely :-)

EG CameraGirl said...

Looks mighty tasty!

Wayne said...

I hope you had a wonderful Christmas!