Thursday 19 November 2015

Positive Juice!

Positive Juice Bar & Café Versailles
Before we continue with the artists at the art craft show, here are a few vitamins! While walking more or less aimlessly around Versailles on Saturday morning after the terror attacks in Paris and a sleepless night, VDP decided she needed a drink, preferably a healthy one. So for the first time, she tried Positive Juice Bar & Café and was not disappointed! Her 'passionate' beetroot, apple, pineapple and ginger juice, freshly made to order, was delicious!
Avant de continuer avec le salon des métiers d'art, voici de la vitamine ! En déambulant dans la ville samedi matin après les attentats parisiens et une nuit blanche, VDP décida qu'il lui fallait faire une pause, de préférence vitaminée et coup de fouet ! Pour la première fois, elle s'est donc arrêtée au Positive Juice Bar & Café situé rue de Satory et ne fut pas déçue ! Elle a choisi "le passionné", un jus de betterave, pomme, ananas et gingembre tout fraîchement pressé, délicieux !
Positive Juice Bar & Café Versailles
Positive Juice Bar & Café Versailles
Positive Juice Bar & Café VersaillesPositive Juice Bar & Café Versailles
'Bonheur': happiness. It was a bit difficult to be happy on Saturday morning but this certainly helped.


William Kendall said...

Some of those baked goods would suit me quite nicely!

Revrunner said...

I agree with William, that sweet bread would be just the thing right now. :-)

Unknown said...

Oh Ciel I'm not sure I wouldn't have gone for something a little stronger! Although I do a mean apple, pear, banana, berrie's with a scoop of non dairy ice cream smoothie...take care while this 'business' still continues

Lowell said...

It looks like a pleasant place...and I'm glad it helped you in your time of despair. Can't imagine what that drink tasted like, though.

Lois said...

It does look good and I'm glad it lifted your spirits!

RedPat said...

I can't imagine what that must have tasted like, Ciel! I'm glad you enjoyed it. Be safe and be careful.

Randy said...

Looks like my kind of place.

Aimz said...

yum that juice concoction sounds yummy! I bought some pineapple tonight on the way home to use for smoothies :-)

Thérèse said...

Effectivement des ingrédients que je n'aurais pas l'idée de mettre ensemble! Comme quoi...

La cachette à Josette said...

ça devait être délicieux

Gunn said...

This looks and sounds like the perfect place to go for vitamins and rest, - after the day and night you had had! Looks cosy and I like lots of things you have included in your posting, the art on the walls and not to forget the bread/ cake.... Looks yummy:)

EG CameraGirl said...

I would never have guessed that a drink with beetroot would be delicious, although the other ingredients sound absolutely wonderful.

Sharon said...

I could use one of those today. I woke up feeling a head cold coming on. I hit the vitamins kind of hard this morning hoping I can send it on it's way.

VP said...

Beetroot, apple, pineapple and ginger? May I have an orange juice?

Kate said...

Love the top photo with fruit and jars. Great beauty can be found in commonplace objects.

Unknown said...

Grerat series, Ciel? Why am I suddenly starving and thursty? :-)

Wayne said...

I've never had beetroot, but the rest sounds pretty yummy and it's certainly colorful!

Dina said...

Glad you enjoyed the juice with its good taste, vitamins, and color. We have to enjoy the little things in life and every minute we are still here.

Loree said...

WHat a cute little place, and the juice looks good too.

LOLfromPasa said...

That looks like a place I would enjoy visiting!

Halcyon said...

Sounds delicious! I like the presentation too.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

It's hard to focus after such unbelievable horror Ciel, vitamins are aa positive beginning.