Tuesday 9 June 2015

Les lys

Lys lilies Trianon Palace Versailles
Aren't these gorgeous? They are the lilies that greet you at Trianon Palace hotel! Charlotte-Adélaïde enjoyed the place just as much as VDP and her friend did (and there's a distorted reflection of VDP in that second shot! Nope, sorry to disappoint, still nothing recognisable!) For a broader view of the place where these photos were taken, click here!

Ne sont-ils pas splendides ? Ils vous accueillent au Trianon Palace ! Charlotte-Adélaïde a beaucoup apprécié les lieux (et il y a un reflet de VDP dans le vase). Pour mieux voir l'endroit où cette photo a été prise, cliquez ici.
Charlotte-Adélaïde Trianon Palace Versailles


Unknown said...

You both look very much at home distorted or not, Lillies are one of my favourites...

Revrunner said...

Very elegant.

William Kendall said...

Quite handy to have Charlotte Adelaide along for just such occasions. A pretty location!

Oakland Daily Photo said...

I can almost smell their perfume. So elegant.

RedPat said...

Lovely arrangements. I'm glad that the 2 of you enjoyed yourselves, Ciel!

Aimz said...

such lovely flowers, bet they smelled nice :-)

Randy said...

Nice to look at but they make me sneeze, alot.

Bob Crowe said...

Ah, but we know which is which. Très élégant but probably a budget-buster.

VP said...

Love the flowers, Charlotte-Adélaïde was a surprise!

Halcyon said...

Cute! Little Charlotte-Adelaide is getting around. :)

La cachette à Josette said...

une fleur royale à Versailles ça s'impose !

Anonymous said...

Good to see your little friend again too!

LOLfromPasa said...

They are beautiful. And, I love Charlotte-Adélaïde.

Thérèse said...

It's a must at Versailles.

Wayne said...

The lilies are gorgeous and what a home they have. Charlotte-Adélaïde looks quite regal.

Sharon said...

This place looks very elegant. My kind of place.

EG CameraGirl said...

How kind of you to take Charlotte-Adélaïde with you to so many neat places!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

They are very gorgeous Ciel, a beautiful welcome.. and you're such a tease :)

Unknown said...

Splendid indeed, Ciel!

Birdman said...

A very welcoming vase of flowers.

Blogoratti said...

Really lovely.

Loree said...

My lilies are flowering too right now.

Unknown said...

Who is that Charlotte - Adelaide ? Your baby's toy ?

Lowell said...

It doth appear to be a rather elegant hotel! I'm glad you had a good time. You should know, though, that I have a reflection distorter recoverer so you and your friend came out clear as a bell.

Just kidding!

But why doth the wee bunny have a crown on its head?

Lowell said...

Uh oh...is the bunny Charlotte? You're confusing me. Don't brag about it, though, 'cause I'm old and slow!