Friday 8 May 2015

Weekend Reflections: le vitrail et la fleur de lys

Stained glass chandelier Versailles cathedral
Friday, yay! And a holiday in France! So it's time for Weekend Reflections. The stained glass of the baptismal fonts side chapel of Saint-Louis cathedral is sort of reflected and magnified in a chandelier (with a fleur-de-lys). Yeah, I know, this is cheating a bit.

Youpi, c'est vendredi et en plus c'est un jour férié ! Le vitrail de la chapelle des fonts baptismaux de la cathédrale Saint-Louis est vu par le prisme d'un lustre avec fleur de lys. Les Reflets du Weekend sont par ici !
Stained glass chandelier Versailles cathedral


William Kendall said...

My, that stained glass is magnificent!

Lois said...

Not cheating at all! It is a beautiful window.

RedPat said...

That is so cool, Ciel! Love that chandelier.

Unknown said...

Both really nice pictures but I love the first one chandelier and all. Well spotted. Fab stained glass window...

Birdman said...

I'm glad you explained it all. Never would have guessed what you were up to here.

Randy said...

Nice relflection and that window is wonderful.

Revrunner said...

Very intriguing reflections.

Kay said...

I don't see cheating in that first image. I love all the colors and reflections. It's a very interesting shot!

Halcyon said...

Beautiful color! No jour férié here. :(

VP said...

Stained glass at its best!

EG CameraGirl said...

Doesn't seem like cheating to me!

James said...

How on earth did you manage capturing such a brilliant reflection in the chandelier? You are really good at this! :-)

Wayne said...

I love stained glass, this is brilliant!

TexWisGirl said...

pretty reflections in the baubles!

Sharon said...

I love the stained glass and the top shot is very colorful. Seeing the colorful glass reflected really draws me in.

Aimz said...

I am a big fan of stained glass. love the colours here :-)

cieldequimper said...

@ James: that's the cheating bit. It's actually the stained glass seen through the chandelier drops. Cheating, I tell you! :-)

Dina said...

Wow, beautiful photos!

Adrienne said...

Not cheating at all! I find this really beautiful!

Anonymous said...

beautiful reflections...and NOT cheating!!!

Anonymous said...

Beautiful colours! said...

Brilliant picture, so colorful refelections.

Jack said...

Both are beautiful.