Friday 13 March 2015

Weekend Reflections: le bassin du char d'Apollon

Apollo's chariot fountain Versailles palace
Apollo's chariot in the palace gardens with tree reflections: VDP's contribution this week to Weekend Reflections. To see a wider view of the same fountain click here.

C'est la contribution de cette semaine aux Reflets du Weekend. Pour voir une vue plus dégagée des lieux, cliquez ici.
Bassin char d'Apollon Apollo's chariot Versailles


William Kendall said...

A beautiful pair of reflection shots, Ciel.

Sunnybrook Farm said...

Very nice I like it the subject and light.

Lois said...

Lovely shots Ciel!

RedPat said...

These shots are so beautiful, Ciel!

Jack said...

Two very strong images, VDP.

Kate said...

The beautiful trees and their reflections appeal to me far more than the man-made Apollo sculpture. Not a criticism, just a preference.

Michelle said...

That reflection is spectacular.

Thérèse said...

Le tout a saisir avec les yeux, un véritable tableau.

Denton said...

I like the wider view of the fountain and reflections the best. multiple artist involved. The creators of the fountain, the sculpture, the gardens, and the photo. All helped by the natural beauty of the scene

Stuart said...

Wonderful reflections. They remind me of bunches of asparagus at the market !

Halcyon said...

Just beautiful! Happy weekend. :)

Tanya Breese said...

beautiful...and those trees are soooooo tall!!

EG CameraGirl said...

Very beautiful, Ciel!

VP said...

I'll say it again: it is much better in winter!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Breathtaking reflections Ciel, such an amazing sculpture, I remember how thrilling it was seeing it for the first time.. are they birch trees?

Anonymous said...

Perfect, have a great weekend!

La cachette à Josette said...

je l'appelle "Le char embourbé" !!!
très belle ta photo reflet

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...


Wayne said...

The tree branches look like roots in the reflection, that's very cool

James said...

Lovely reflections! You are so lucky to live so close to this amazing place!

Anonymous said...

Très réussi ... il semble qu’Apollon donne racines à ces arbres !

Sharon said...

I would give you the prize for reflection shots with this one.

Nefertiti said...

Superbe,pas d autre mot !

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Fantastic reflection shots in the water of the trees and statues. Have a great weekend. said...

These photos are really beautiful in composition and colors.

Viera said...

wow... really amazing.... Fantastic composition...

Anonymous said...

wonderful reflections. The statue is amazing.

Aimz said...

very nice! and looks like a quiet morning too.

Unknown said...

Beautiful Ciel, lovely reflections and light, looks like a great place...

Laura said...

Oh my! Exquisite reflections!

cedarmerefarm said...

So mythical! Your photos belong in a Greek mythology.

Roses, Lace and Brocante said...

Wonderful reflection.
I adore those straight trunked trees - they are everywhere in France and look so elegant!
Enjoy your weekend.

Karl said...

Sehr schön, Ciel, besonders das zweite Foto !

orvokki said...

Really beautiful reflections.