Wednesday 4 March 2015


A-typik Versailles boutique
VDP loves this colourful, happy mood shop in Saint-Louis neighbourhood, selling Colombian bags and jewellery! The website is this way!

VDP adore les couleurs bigarrées et pleines de peps des sacs et bijoux colombiens que l'on trouve chez A-typik rue du Vieux Versailles ! Le site web est par ici et la page Facebook par là !
A-typik Versailles boutique
A-typik Versailles boutique
A-typik Versailles boutique


William Kendall said...

Very colourful merchandise, Ciel!

Unknown said...

Well that certainly brightens up an overcast winters day!

Aimz said...

oh I really like ethnic stuff like this, we don't have any shops like that where I live but in Auckland there's loads.

Lois said...

Oh how pretty! I will have to visit their website now.

Bob Crowe said...

Just be sure there is no cocaine dust in the seams.

Randy said...

Nice colorful things to be found here.

Thérèse said...

Dans cette grisaille, cela fait du bien de voir toutes ces couleurs dans ces belles creativites!

Alain said...

Le vieux monsieur va peut-être y acheter ses chaussettes ?

Olivier said...

j'aime bien le commentaire d'Alain ;o)) Alors suspense ??

Un beau patchwork de couleurs, j'espere qu'elles sont en plus fluo

La cachette à Josette said...

ça donne des idées de cadeaux...

Anonymous said...

Looks like there is lots of choice... and some difficult decisions to be made ;-)

Karl said...

Da gibt es nette Sachen !

Cezar and Léia said...

You know always the best stores!
I love that green bag 💙💜💚

I wish I could visit there!


EG CameraGirl said...

I think a lot of us are looking for colour this time of year!

Sharon said...

those bags are beautiful. I could use one of those. Or, a warm neck scarf would be nice too.

Birdman said...

Bland from the outside... ALIVE within though.

VP said...

You know how I like bright colors!

Small City Scenes said...

I love colorful.

Have you heard from the Ocala bunch?

Bergson said...

des tissus super vitaminés

Anonymous said...

Coloré et tellement pep's, j'aime !

Wayne said...

Very colorful! I see some American Indian influence in their designs, you must be in heaven

Stefan Jansson said...

Very girly it is.

LOLfromPasa said...

Ooooh, I like it too :).

Jack said...

I will go with you and carry your loot for you. It is not my kind of store, though.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Oh yes! Lots of interesting goodies here Ciel! I can see you with one of those bags from the first shot!