Friday 19 December 2014

Weekend Reflections: Noël dans le passage Saladin

Cheese bar passage Saladin Versailles Christmas
The Christmas lights of Saladin passage are reflected in the tables and windows of 'The Cheese Bar" restaurant and wine bar for Weekend Reflections! This new restaurant replaces the former Lebanese place that VDP had shown you here and here! VDP will have to test this new one! Oh and like last week's reflections, these pictures were taken during a walk with James!

Les illuminations sont reflétées dans les tables et les fenêtres du "Cheese Bar" pour les Reflets du Weekend ! Ce restaurant a pris la place du Carré du Liban que VDP vous montrait ici et !
Cheese bar passage Saladin Versailles Christmas


Revrunner said...

Okay, now I'm just envious. :-)

Lowell said...

Nice, artsy shots! Did you use a tripod - they're very sharp. The cheese place is enticing!

Michelle said...

I want to go to the cheese bar!

Jack said...

It is kind of dark in there, isn't it?

Randy said...

I want to go too!

Bob Crowe said...

Saladin was the sultan of the next territory south of Lebanon. Maybe it is the same ownership.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Love the reflections. You are so good at that!

William Kendall said...

The passageway certainly appeals to me!

cieldequimper said...

@ Lowell: no they are point & shoot hand held. James can testify! :-)

Anonymous said...

I love this Passage, and it's perfect for Christmas ;-)

VP said...

A really nice walk!

Tanya Breese said...

the cheese bar, yes you must try!! very clever to use your reflection photo from when you were with james! love the shots! have a great weekend :)

EG CameraGirl said...

It looks so elegant and tasteful in this light.

Stuart said...

Looks like a happenin' place !

Birdman said...

A pleasant stroll this time of year.

Sharon said...

Looks like a very inviting street to take a walk. I can't wait to hear about the cheese shop. It looks great.

Thérèse said...

Une belle promenade a l'abri des intemperies!

cieldequimper said...

@ Thérèse : non, pas à l'abri ! C'est une ruelle à ciel ouvert !

Wayne said...

That's quite the inviting passage, but I might not make it past the bar, it looks inviting too.

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Super reflections Ciel.. just the right amount of decoration. What a very nice walk you two had!

James said...

Ah, more wonderful memories! What great shots! I wish we would have had more time to walk around this lovely town. :-)

Daniela Augustka said...

Very nice shots.
Merry Christmas!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Festive decorations. Have a great weekend.

TexWisGirl said...

very pretty lights and reflections!

Anonymous said...

C'est très joli

RedPat said...

A little cheese, a little wine, perfect! Great pics, Ciel.

Fun60 said...

Great reflections.

Aimz said...

pretty! wish I was there

'Tsuki said...

J'aime beaucoup la composition de la seconde photo, avec cet angle inusuel, qui donne le vertige comme si on penchait nous-même la tête en arrière...