Friday 26 December 2014

Weekend Reflections: la pluie

Christmas lights place Charost Versailles
Lights are reflected on place Charost for Weekend Reflections!

Des lumières reflétées place Charost pour les Reflets du Weekend !
Christmas lights place Charost Versailles


William Kendall said...

Beautiful shots, and no doubt a bit damp!

Revrunner said...

Very moody.

RedPat said...

It rained here on Christmas Eve too but it was also extremely windy so not a time to catch a beautiful shot like yours, Ciel!

Randy said...

So lovely. Looks like a nice night for walk.

La cachette à Josette said...

près de mon cinéma préféré !

Anonymous said...

All very atmospheric!

Karl said...

Wundervolle Bilder dieser weihnachtlichen Atmosphäre!

EG CameraGirl said...

Very beautiful, actually, even if it isn't snow. We had rain...but wind too. I like your rain better. :)

Julie said...

We had lovely sun for much of Christmas Day, but a storm brewed up mid-afternoon and unleashed itself, along with high winds. I like most sorts of weather, bar high winds. We do not have to suffer snow or sleet, though.

That second shot of yours is gorgeous.

Stuart said...

Beautiful shots ! I kinda hope your prediction of snow there is wrong. Selfishly, the only thing worse than having no snow here is missing a snowfall there !

Sharon said...

Those lights are so lace-like and quite beautiful.

Bob Crowe said...

And yet the restaurants' outdoor tables are uncovered. Is it that warm?

VP said...

No rain here, quite cold but sunny!

Halcyon said...

So very pretty! We got some snow this morning, but it has all melted away now.

James said...

Wonderful shots! The warm lights are a nice contrast to the dark wet streets. I also like the look of the silhouette walking in the reflected light.

Vicki made hot spiced cider yesterday and it was delicious. Thanks again for the spices. :-)

TexWisGirl said...

very pretty!

James said...

I would love to go to la Comédie Française, but in my post I was referring to the theater at the other end of the corridor. :-)

Birdman said...

Weather brings a lot to our shots. I like these.

Wayne said...

It looks very calm and peaceful, I bet it's not like that normally.

Daniela Augustka said...

Very nice rainy shots.

Unknown said...

Lovely glowing pavement!

Margaret Birding For Pleasure said...

Beautiful reflections. Happy Boxing Day.

Loree said...

Love how photos turn out after the rain. Everything looks so soft and clean.

Lowell said...

All those lights dance along the street wet from rain! Very pretty!

from Madrid said...

Clear and nice pictures !


Valerie said...

Wonderfully atmospheric captures!

Aimz said...

beautifuL! looks cold brrrr

Su-sieee! Mac said...

The scene you captured is very charming.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful reflections on the wet stone

'Tsuki said...

Et voilà : on dit toujours d'un ton maussade :"il pleut", mais on oublie à quel point ça peut être joli, une ville sous la pluie, speciallement de nuit, avec tous ces reflets lumineux... Très belle photo, bravo.

s.c said...

Great captures of the dark days in december. I like them.

GreenComotion said...

These look like great paintings. Wonderful captures!

Happy Holidays!!
Have a Beautiful Day!
Peace :)