If you have always wondered how they do it, here's the answer! Topiary trimming with templates at Versailles palace (with the Grand Canal in the background). The photos, taken towards the end of July, come courtesy of Atelier Choco Turquoise!
Si vous avez toujours voulu savoir comment c'était fait, voilà la réponse ! Taille des topiaires au château avec les gabarits (et le Grand Canal en arrière-plan). Les photos, prises vers la fin juillet, ont été proposées à VDP par l'Atelier Choco Turquoise, merci beaucoup !
How about that, kind of takes the work out of it.
I would have had no idea how it was done!
I have always wondered how it was done. Merci!
That's interesting. There are all kinds of Disney creature topiaries at Disney World...I wonder if they use templates, too. Darn, you've destroyed one of my firm beliefs - that very creative artists did this stuff freehand. :)
Interesting! Never thought they used templates!
I wonder if it's a stressful job.
I learned something. It make sense that they use a template.
Ah....! Most interesting.
So that's how they do it, well captured!
I often wondered how they got them so perfectly matched Ciel, what a wonderfully simple way.. Brilliant idea !
OH! Thanks for giving away their secret! (Not that I'll be doing it to any shrubs in my own gardens, though.)
Well, that makes sense, very clever!
That's the way they do it! I knew it had to be easier than I thought...
Interesting. That is not how I imagined it was done at all.
I have wondered how they do this! Great snaps. :)
j'hésite à prendre un gabarit pour mes haies
What a surprise. As a woodworker I should have figured that out.
Oh c'est amusant d'avoir pu voir ce qui se passe derriere la scene!
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