Friday 1 November 2013

November CDP Theme Day: Heights

Are we really in November already? This month's theme in the City Daily Photo blogging community isn't an easy one for VDP but on Saturday, I happened to go to the palace and saw Saint-Louis neighbourhood 'from above'. Well, sort of. And then I remembered an archive shot of the royal chapel. Four of the twenty-eight apostles and evangelists that adorn the roof have no fear of heights whatsoever as they tower above the palace! Happy November and go and have a look at all the other interpretations of today's theme by clicking here! Ah and there is a night reflection on Artsy Versailles.

Sommes-nous vraiment déjà en novembre ? Le thème de la communauté des blogueurs City Daily Photo pour ce nouveau mois est: "hauteurs, sommets"... Pas évident à Versailles mais samedi votre servitrice dévouée s'est rendue au château et a vu le quartier Saint-Louis "d'en haut", si je puis dire. Et puis, elle s'est souvenue de cette photo d'archive de la chapelle royale : quatre des vingt-huit apôtres et évangélistes qui ornent sa toiture n'ont pas le vertige ! Pour voir plein d'autres interprétations du thème de par le monde, cliquez ici ! Ah et il y a un reflet de nuit sur Artsy Versailles.


William Kendall said...

They certainly do get a grand view!

Jim said...

Wonderful theme day post.

Anonymous said...

Very impressive, beautiful choices for your theme day!


Jack said...

Two very lovely images to illustrate the "heights" theme, Ciel. You have such wonderful imagery in Versailles.

Randy said...

Beautiful theme day shots. I completely forgot about it.

EG CameraGirl said...

They do look like daredevils there standing out on the ledge. :)

Small City Scenes said...

Well somebody had to put them up there. Happy theme day.
I am posting at 12am--my time.

wilf said...

The view is beautiful!

Cezar and Léia said...

Very romantic compositions, I love the yellow trees on the background and the sculptures are wonderful!Great choice and images for this theme!

Stuart said...

I love the "stripes" of color and images in the first one ! Great composition.

Dina said...

Nice. Have a blessed All Saints' Day.

Birdman said...

What work went into these structures.

Lowell said...

I didn't even know there were 28 apostles and evangelists! See, I learn something most every day on your blog! One thing you can say about these folks, they're high. :)

Sharon said...

Great post for the theme. I love that view.

Wayne said...

Yes, it's hard to believe it's November.

Imagine the view up there hanging out with with the apostles.

VP said...

An interesting and beautiful choice for this theme day!

RedPat said...

Beautiful shots!

Valladolid Daily Photo said...

Love the first one! Interesting contribution to the theme day.Have a good weekend!

PerthDailyPhoto said...

You just can't go wrong looking 'up' in your neck of the woods Ciel, so many wonderful things to see!

LOLfromPasa said...

Beautiful photography! Appreciate that you included a close up too.

cath carbone said...

Je découvre ton blog, j'aime beaucoup ton travail. Des aventures et de très belles photos.
Je suis artiste peintre, photographe amateur; je me suis inscrite pour suivre tes publications!
Je t'invite à me rendre visite sur mes blogs, merci beaucoup et bonne soirée! Cath