Wednesday 11 September 2013

Au revoir !

Waving goodbye. It is with these shots that VDP is saying goodbye for a very long break (and they are a taste of what's to come when I return in October!). In the meantime, have fun and check out and "like" VDP's Facebook page! See you soon!

C'est avec ces photos que VDP tire sa révérence pour de très longues vacances (et c'est un aperçu de ce qui vous attend à mon retour en octobre !) D'ici là, amusez-vous bien, allez faire un tour sur et si ce n'est déjà fait, "likez" la page Facebook de VDP accessible même sans être membre du réseau social. A bientôt !


Sylvia K said...

Enjoy, Ciel! You will be missed and I look forward to your pics when you return!! Have a terrific time!!

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Safe travels.


Oh lucky you to be on a nice, long break! I'll miss your posts until October, but sending many good wishes for safe, speedy, and super-fun travels! Look forward to your return:)

Olivier said...

Passe de bonnes Lonnngggggguuuuuuueeeeeeeeeeeee vacances ;)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Bon voyage Ciel, have a wonderful holiday, I love your departing image, so appropriate oui :)) Safe travels..

Randy said...

Have a wonderful time away. We'll miss you.

Michelle said...


Kate said...

Have a great time wherever you are going and doing.

Bob Crowe said...

Everyone is leaving! Back to your favorite North American destination? Hope you have a great time.

Kay L. Davies said...

Au revoir, et bonne chance.

Anonymous said...

nice post thanks for sharing
infant costume

Dina said...

What a happy wave. Bon voyage.

Anonymous said...

Going out in style! Enjoy your break.

Bergson said...

ben au revoir et bon voyage
profite bien des vacances

EG CameraGirl said...

Enjoy your time away! said...

have a wonderful trip, and we will look forward to learning of it upon your return.

VP said...

Have a great time over there!

lilac and old roses said...

Have a lovely break, I shall miss your posts but look forward to when you return x

Halcyon said...

Hmmmm... des grandes nouvelles ?
Un voyage de noces ?
Amuse-toi bien ! :)

BaysideLife said...

Have a wonderful break. You always post the most wonderful pictures. This waving lady has a 1000 watt smile. Be safe.

Jack said...

Well, you nailed this bon voyage photo, Ciel. Enjoy your time away.

Tanya Breese said...

oh i'll miss you! be safe!

Unknown said...

Perfect choice for a blog break! Enjoy wherever you are, Ciel.

Lowell said...

I know you're going to have a ton of fun! But I want to know who took your picture from this balcony and where you got those clothes!

Cezar and Léia said...

I'm so anxious to see the pictures of your trip! :D hugs

Thérèse said...

Passe de longues et belles semaines pleines d'heureuses aventures.

Babzy.B said...

bon break :)

Oakland Daily Photo said...

Yikes! For a minute there I thought it was goodbye forever. Hope you're enjoying this trip. Back to the North West?

Lowell said...

Bonjour my friend! Hope you're having a great time! Be safe!