Monday 6 June 2011


On Saturday evening, it was like Götterdämmerung or 'Twilight of the Gods' above the palace before torrential rain came down for a few minutes...
Samedi soir avant le violent orage, c'était comme le crépuscule des Dieux devant le château...


Lowell said...

Serendipity! I love these kinds of dramatic.

Rather like the heavens are exploding!

Have a great week!

Kay L. Davies said...

An amazing sky — ominous, yet beautiful.
— K

Kay, Alberta, Canada
An Unfittie's Guide to Adventurous Travel

Anonymous said...

fast scheint es so weit zu sein. hier ganz bestimmt.
wunderbares bild vom himmel.

die neue woche friedlich schön dir.

daily athens

Regina K said...

Beautiful, stunning...

akarui said...

Un tres beau ciel d'orage avec ces rayons. On reconnait les silhouettes de l'exposition Bernar Venet dont tes photos du 3 juin sont superbes.

Anonymous said...

Gorgeous sky. I expect to see a chariot with white horses coming out of the brightness. Nice music too :)

Thanks for commenting on my blog. Its been so long since I've posted I didn't know anyone even checked any more.

Anonymous said...

In spite of the heavens opening, I see my french fries are intact :-)

Randy said...

Lucky you, I wish we would get rain but I wish that rain would fall on the fires in Arizona. I feel for the people evacuated because of it.

Clueless in Boston said...

Great title for a wonderful image.

Olivier said...

la premiere photo est superbe, surtout avec la statue au fond qui nous montre le chemin pour quitter cet enfer. La meme chose ici, mais sans chateau ;)

PerthDailyPhoto said...

Brilliant image Ciel, very biblical sky!

Dina said...

Wow! Great title you chose too.

Malyss said...

Même temps ici! On attendait de voir passer Noe et son arche....

Dave said...

A brillant shot of the sky in your top picture.

VP said...

Please send us a little of Götterdämmerung over there...

Thérèse said...

Superbe cette photo! Pleine de symboles.
J'espère que les feux rouges sont tombés au bon moment pour toi.

Kaori said...

Wow, look at those lights flashing through the clouds! Fantastic!

Jack said...

Your first shot is wonderful, Ciel. I know that you have been worried about the absence of rain recently, so I am glad it finally came.

Unknown said...

It seems the Gods are angry, a terrible storm caused a lot of damage in Beja, a city in the south, yesterday... Actually it looks like someone moved this country into the tropics! Great capture, Ciel.

Amanda said...

It's good for the plants!

Loree said...

Lovely sky. Rain is always nice - unless it carries sand with it :(

Birdman said...

Wow! Exciting shot to say the least.

Anonymous said...

There's the sculpture! This is a stunning shot...great capture.

BaysideLife said...

Beautiful. Glad you had some rain. We are still in a drought. Everything is turning brown.

Gunn said...

Superb sky!