Saturday 9 January 2010

Weekend Reflections: avenue de Paris sous la neige, reflétée dans notre voiture

Avenue de Paris trees and snow reflected in our car: my contribution for James' Weekend Reflections.
Ma contribution aux Reflets du Weekend de James.


Icy BC said...

That's so clear and beautiful!

tapirgal said...

I'm glad you included both photos. It looks BEAUTIFUL! And you have blue skies! I'm not complaining, but I do like to see them once in awhile :)

Serendipity said...

That's a lovely blue reflection! And the second shot is beautiful.

Lowell said...

The first shot: You've got this reflection stuff down cold.

The second shot: Speaking of looks cold. But so striking with the trees and the fence and the footprints!

A truly lovely shot, Ciel!

Anonymous said...


Thérèse said...

Just enough snow to appreciate it fully... :)

Anonymous said...

Nice reflection but your second shot is a fine classic.

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

Very cold and lonely now, but I'll bet that promenade is just teeming with people in the summer! Great shots!

Chuck Pefley said...

Lovely reflection and i like the angle, but my overall preference is the straight road / path image.

Small City Scenes said...

Great reflection and so clear and clean.
I also like the straight avenue. Nice.

Regrding my blog: Do you think the sky looks like there will be a war of the gods? MB

Hilda said...

The tree-lined snowy street is lovely! Happy weekend!

Owen said...

So easy to miss little lovely details like this... but you caught it... le ciel dans la fenêtre... un peu de poésie là...

BaysideLife said...

Great clarity and color in your reflection. I bet when the trees in your second photo are in leaf, it would be like walking in a green tunnel. said...

You must get a lot more snow in Versailles than Paris. I was in Paris once when it snowed and everyone talked about how unusual that was and it melted after a day. Your snow looks like it will stay for a while.

raf said...

Lovely reflection image on a beautiful winter day, Ciel. Especially like the street and shadows shot.

Suburban Girl said...

Nice...I am going to start looking at my car windows more often!

Gena D said...

Great reflection, very cleverly done! also love the avenue photograph - really nice!! happy weekend!!!
Gena @ thinking aloud
Post/ Blog :

Dina said...

A cold scene in the cold glass.
But I get a warm feeling from the picture of a lone person walking on the snow. I can almost hear that special sound of snow underfoot that I remember from long ago.

VP said...

In my opinion your reflection is good, but the picture you posted below is great: it is the very idea of winter!

Regina said...

Beautiful reflections.
Great shots.


Gunn said...

Wow, what a pretty place, beautiful shots and a clean car(?)

Cezar and Léia said...

Congratulations Ciel, it's excellent!

Bergson said...

le deuxième est magnifique (portrait d'amoureux ?)
pour la première je ne suis pas trop voiture

Trillian said...

Beautiful photos, and the second is a touch of poetry...

Rune Eide said...

Snow and winter in Versailles - somehow that is not my first thought when I think of Versailles. But it looked nice!

Malyss said...

Quel beau ciel bleu! Ton reflet est bien attrapé, mais c'est la deuxième photo que j'adore, cette silhouette qui marche toute seule dans la neige, c'est si romantique..

brattcat said...

Ciel, each one of these is a treasure. Beautifully done. I speak French like a two year old but I love when you challenge me to remember my old lessons. Thank you!

Diane AZ said...

The snow and bare trees are pretty and I am loving the colors and composition of both images.

Gattina said...

The question is, who of us had this idea first ? I think it was me, because my car reflections are with summer clouds, lol !
Mein Sohn hat auch eine deutsche Mutter, aber er kann nicht schreiben und sein Vokabular ist auch sehr beschränkt. Er hat die Schule in französisch gemacht.
Heute spricht er fast nur noch englisch.

Woody said...

I'm with tapirgal. The reflection is beautiful and it's a great idea to include the subject of the reflection. Beautiful!

jade said...

Was für herrlich frische Winterbilder!!!! Vielen Dank auch, für deine lieben Zeilen........ja WEISS ist einfach himmlisch, deshalb genieße ich diese Jahreszeit ganz besonders ;))!

Ein wundervolles Wochenende und GLG, herzlichst Jade

Kat said...

Excellent reflections! The second shot is really marvelous, love the perspective. Kathy

Tash said...

Ciel - these are magical. Such winter beauty.

James said...

Both of these are very nice but I really like the bottom one. It's so classically beautiful.
Great shots!

Paulie said...

It is so beautiful! I guess by now you know I love snow and am so jealous of yours!

Halcyon said...

An unusual reflection!

Suzanne said...

I love both of these reflection photos, so different and beautiful in their own right.

Carletta said...

I love the first one! Looks cold but bright!
Thank you for your comment on my Ode to Monet post. I'd so love to visit your world. (sigh)

eileeninmd said...

Wonderful sky reflection in the window. Great photos.

Unknown said...

It's a great reflection but I especially like the second shot!

Neva said...

I like both of these shots! You have lots of snow too.

Crafty Green Poet said...

beautiful clear reflections, I love the layers in the first photo

isabella kramer - veredit said...

Comment c'est beau Chez toi, je reviendrai volontiers et me promènerai avec toi par ton Versailles merveilleux.

Wie schön es bei Dir ist, ich werde gerne wiederkommen und mit dir durch dein wunderbares Versailles schlendern.

liebe Grüße