Saturday 7 November 2009

Weekend Reflections: le ciel

A menacing sky reflected in the glass of a city centre supermarket. For more Weekend Reflections, visit James @ Newtown Area Daily Photo.
Un ciel menaçant se reflète dans le verre du M. Pour d'autres Reflets du Weekend, faites un détour par chez James @ Newtown Area Daily Photo.


Lowell said...

Serendipity...or you have an excellent eye! What a great shot! It just glows with creativity!

Gemma Wiseman said...

This looks as if a little piece of the sky has been captured on earth! Beautiful!

Anonymous said...

That sky is incredible. You captured the perfect moment.

Barbara Martin said...

The clouds may be menacing, but there are beams of sunlight coming forth to brighten the day. Very nice.

akarui said...

Elle est tres belle cette photo de reflection. J'aime beaucoup. Bon weekend a toi aussi!!

Carletta said...

You've captured the sky in that paneled frame beautifully and on closer inspection at the bottom half the sky seems to go on and on in depth. Nice.
Carletta’s Captures.

Bob Crowe said...

Dramatic nature and modern commerce. Nice contrast.

Clueless in Boston said...


Debbie Courson Smith said...

Good eye!

Sharon said...

Beautifully captured, Ciel.


My name is Riet said...

What a beautiful picture. The sky in the windows in reflection is beautiful

James said...

Now that is the perfect reflection for you. :) Excellent photo!

Thérèse said...

We could think of a huge poster behind the glass. Very nice.

Rune Eide said...

An evening in spring - reflecting the coming weather - a beauty.

VP said...

That's my favorite kind of reflection, paneled glass and a nicely clouded sky. Excellent image.

VioletSky said...

Menacing and almost blinding!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

I have just LOVED your photos this week. You are sharing the fall atmosphere in versailles. The spiders, leaves, clouds,

Do the French have any tradition of cleaning cemeteries? In the Mountains of NC, I seem to recall it is the first weekend in October. Then the Mexicans have the Day of the Dead. Perhaps this fits in with the Catholic "all saints" that you mentioned. My spending the week in the cemetery on your blog has me wondering.

Sharon said...

Fantastic reflection shot!

BaysideLife said...

The clouds really seem a part of that building. Beautiful reflection.

XoXo said...

What a dramatic sky you had that day you took this photo...Great shot too.

Dimple said...

I like this, the sky is the prominent reflection, but there are more subtle ones in the lower windows. Well done!

Crafty Green Poet said...

very beautiful reflections

Anonymous said...

This is wonderful. And I like how the man in the bottom of the picture seems to be contemplating in a cloud like state too but doesn't seem to see the beauty that surrounds him.

Reader Wil said...

Cette reflection est très belle. C'est superb!
Savez-vous le lavoir de Bracieux? C'est une place très intéressante pour moi,car nous n'en avons pas en Hollande.
Je vous remercie de votre visite et commentaire.

Martha@A Sense of Humor is Essential said...

Formidable! Merci beaucoup.
Greetings from Los Angeles.

Small City Scenes said...

I love it!! So perfect. MB

Anonymous said...

It makes a beautiful reflection, menacing though it is.

Carolyn said...

Beautiful capture of the clouds. You have a lovely blog....I will be back.

Malyss said...

j'adore les rondeurs des nuages pommelés confrontés à la rectitude des lignes du verre! et ce ciel de tempête, une merveille!

sunnymama said...

What an awesome reflection of the clouds! Great shot. :)

Icy BC said...

Awesome shot! We must have connected through the love for reflection!

Louis la Vache said...

Excellent capture of the reflected clouds!

diane b said...

Great refection of the bubbly sky.

Cezar and Léia said...

ohmigod, perfect clouds!
Léia :)

Unknown said...

Fantastic sky reflection!

Rob Siemann said...

Tout peut devenir beau, en voila la preuve!