Friday 28 August 2009

Les Grandes Eaux Nocturnes V

During the Night Waters, all the statues are lit. Of course, I couldn't resist taking pictures of these... er perfect bodies!
Pendant les Eaux Nocturnes, toutes les statues sont illuminées. Comment résister à ces... euh... corps à la plastique parfaite !
To all those who wonder if I took all these photos hand held with a point&shoot, here's a little tribute to my tiny Canon!


Anonymous said...

The first statue is gorgeous!

VP said...

Well done with a point a shoot! I do with a bridge camera and would never change it, if not for a newer version of the same model.

James said...

Nice shots of the sexy statues. ;-)

Lowell said...

Kudos to Canon. And the photographer. But don't they have any "perfect" female bodies? If so, you might wish to photograph a couple of those sometimes. You complete your album...


akarui said...

Des jolies photos de statues sous eclairage nocturne. La 1ere est tres dynamique par ton cadrage.

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Perfectly gorgeous. And it's not the camera, it's the photographer : )

Leif Hagen said...

I like your night time statue photos, too! Ce sont formidables! Bon weekend!

Bob Crowe said...

You probably know that there is a contemporary opera called The Ghosts of Versailles. (It was produced by our opera company earlier this year and it's terrific.) Well, here they are.

cewmont said...

wow! you took all those fountain and statue pictures with a little canon point and shoot? I agree with bfarr--its not the camera--its the photographer. you did a great job! nice photos!

Karen said...

Delightful statues and photos. I love the lighting on the first one. Hey, Jacob, you get enough female nudes in the magazines these days. More naked men.. please.

Dave said...

Was it a cold night!!!!!!!!!

Olivier said...

lumiere légère et ombre, superbe photo, un bel hommage a ton APN, mais que serait un APN sans son photographe ;))

cieldequimper said...

lol @ Jacob, Karen and Dave!
@ Bob: no, I had never heard of it.

Small City Scenes said...

Why yes!!! :) MB

Halcyon said...

I think the angle on the first one is quite funny!

Happy Friday.

EG CameraGirl said...

Very well taken. Your little Canon is amazing...but I believe in Canons. ;-)

BaysideLife said...

Well done. I like the lighting in the first photo.

Meri said...

Nice night work. Hmmm.... full frontal nudity. Here, some "family values" fanatic would paste a fig leaf in strategic locations.

Lowell said...

@ Karen - :-))

tapirgal said...

Wonderful, Ciel. Great post and great comments :)

Tammie Lee said...

You have captured their beauty!

A l a i n said...

Un décors très beau, le corps est une image de votre esprit , certes un beau corps c'est agréable surtout en mouvement. Les deux prise de vue très bien exposer.Merci à toi qui est une femme.

Dina said...

Long live the Eaux nocturnes, long live the little Cannon!

Unknown said...

Great perspectives! :-)