Sunday 30 August 2009

Le Trianon Palace

The Waldorf Astoria Collection hotel Trianon Palace is located on the edge of the palace grounds. Celeb Scotsman Gordon Ramsay is its head chef and I must say the "a taste of" menu looks simply mouthwatering but you will have to pay 150 € (excl. wine) to enjoy it. Check out the website here for pure luxury! P.S.: no I don't wear a scarf like HM Elisabeth does.
L'hôtel Trianon Palace se trouve en lisière du parc du château. Le chef écossais Gordon Ramsay y propose un menu dégustation à 150 € (vin exclu) qui met l'eau à la bouche. Pour un peu de luxe pur, c'est par ici ! P.S. : non je ne porte pas un foulard comme la reine Elisabeth.


VP said...

I'll pass, thank you anyway for the information!

James said...

The hotel looks beautiful. I've been inside the The Waldorf Astoria in NYC and it was really cool. The menu is too fancy and way too expensive for me.

Meri said...

Mon Dieu, what a scarf. So happy to know for sure it's not you, but I didn't really think it was.

akarui said...

Vraiment trop cher pour moi. Mais pour ceux qui ont des sous c'est sans doute une bonne adresse.

A l a i n said...

cela fait beaucoup comme prix 150€ le salaire d'un mois en Thaïlande, certes Le Trianon Palace doit être bonne dans le luxe.

Carraol said...

Well, this superb architecture, must have a cost!

Small City Scenes said...

Do people still wear scarves? Out of the 50s. gorgeous palace hotel. MB.

Hilda said...

It's a magnificent palace hotel!
I love good food, but 150€ is way too much for me!

Anonymous said...

Truly prices fit for royalty. It is amazing, however, the details that go into making one of those elegant dinners. And I"m sure that price is not "all you can eat."

Anonymous said...

I can't abide by Gordon Ramsay! He's such a jerk on television!

Sharon said...

I would love to stay at that hotel!


Cezar and Léia said...

This is a fabulous place but I think my budge does not allow it! LOL

EG CameraGirl said...

It's always fun to spy on the rich and famous.

Karen said...

I would love to try the menu but would need to find a sponsor. "=]

The building is beautiful. Would they let you in to walk around and gawk at the luxury if you didn't buy a meal? This trip I want to see the inside of the Crillon hotel at the Place de Concord. I photographed it and walked by many times but didn't have the nerve to go inside. I'm trying to work up the nerve to do it.

Tammie Lee said...

oh yum and oh well.....
you see so many wonderful places!

cieldequimper said...

@Karen: there is a sign on the gate reminding us nicely that the gardens are there for the enjoyment of guests only... :-)

Leif Hagen said...

Both today's and yesterday's photos of the same place are great. Quand meme, moi, je prefere le foto d'hier!

Dina said...

That is as close to the menu that I would get too.