Wednesday 22 April 2009

Under a pink canopy

Cherry blossoms at Blaise Pascal public park. Blaise Pascal was a 17th century philosopher and mathematician.
Sous les cerisiers au jardin public Blaise Pascal.


That is the chicken said...

Tres belle cerisiers! A Canada - c'est pas de printemps ici! Pour demain - il fait neige a Calgary!

Lowell said...

What superb photos, CQ! It's a beautiful place, of course, by I think you're becoming an extremely competent photographer!

Marie-Noyale said...

Voue etes bien en avance sur nous...
Nous en sommes seulement aux Magnolias.
Belle haie de cerisiers du Japon

Bhavesh Chhatbar said...

WOW! See how beautiful the pink shade is!!

Forehead Stamp

Anonymous said...

Your parks are accented with so much beauty.
It feels so good to be outdoors with all of life that is currently emerging everywhere.

Tash said...

So very pretty - a spring is full bloom. I've enjoyed viewing your recent photos, a really lovely collection.

alice said...

Les fleurs, c'est magique, même le gris du mur s'en trouve content!

Catherine said...

"Cherry blossoms" est aussi doux à l'oreille que tes photos à regarder.

Juergen Kuehn said...

Want go through for a walk and listen the voice-sphere of Blaise Pascal.
The wonderful captured cherry blossoms will increase the philosophic mind...

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

So interesting to have a public park named for a mathematician! We learn so much from these sites. Lovely photos of a park ablaze with spring color!!!

Cergie said...

Autrefois on avait l'esprit des lumières, on s'intéressait aux sciences et aux lettres. Cela ne remonte pas à si longtemps.
Pascal... J'ai pensé un instant au crane de Descarte qui a un chiffre écrit dessus et déménagé du musée de l'Homme pendant travaux... Je me demande où est le cerveau de Pascal, sur quel état gère ?
En tout cas les cerisiers fleurs c'est beau, plus que le laurier sauce en tout cas quoique ce ne soit pas le même usage...
(Pardon , je disgresse, c'est le printemps ! Et la faute de ton message et de tes photos)

Cezar and Léia said...

Hello Dear Ciel!
Fantastic pictures! This place seems so cool!
Lovely blossoms!

George Townboy said...


Unknown said...

Awesome! I especially like the 2nd composition!

B SQUARED said...

Get out and enjoy the day. It looks great!

Clueless in Boston said...

Cherry blossoms are so pretty, yet so short-lived. But while they live they fill the world with such beauty.

Small City Scenes said...

I love cherry blossoms and and the pink snow that occurs when the petals fall. Love the tulip cherry blossom combo. MB

Neva said...

there buds just coming out on some of the trees and bushes here.....this is lovely.

crocrodyl said...

Lovely blooming photos! I like your composition in the second photo - pink tulips and pink flowers on the tree! Great!

Sharon said...

What a lovely spring you seem to be having. It is starting to get a bit green here, finally!


Frankie / Nick said...

Breathtakingly beautiful!

Anonymous said...

"Blaise Pascal was a 17th century philosopher and mathematician." And perhaps a good footballer?

Cherries all over the world, unite!
