Thursday 16 January 2014

Délicieux petit orgue

Yes, this is an organ. A cabinet organ. VDP thinks it delightful. It was probably made by organ builder Nicolas Sommer in 1747 as part of an order of three organs for the prince and princesses of France, including princess Adélaïde in whose cabinet room it now stands. It is made of carved, painted and gold gilded oak and VDP would have loved to hear it played.

Cet orgue de cabinet en chêne sculpté, doré et peint a probablement été exécuté par le facteur d'orgue Nicolas Sommer en 1747 et faisait partie d'une commande de trois orgues pour le dauphin, la dauphine et Madame Adélaïde. C'est dans le grand cabinet de cette dernière qu'on le trouve aujourd'hui et VDP aurait adoré l'entendre...


  1. tres cosy ;) l'orgue est magnifique (malheureusement a la cathe d'evry nous avons une orgue moderne, sans plus) . Je suis d'accord avec toi, j'aimerais bien un petit concert avec cette orgue

  2. Awesome and so beautiful!! Love your captures!!

  3. It was delightful to visit, and I didn't have to dress up. This is charming!

  4. Ooh, I suppose there's not a big chance of hearing it played but I'd love to hear how it sounds! Maybe it just gets better with age, like a Stradivarius or fine wine:) Beautiful details.

  5. That's one fancy keyboard.

  6. Beautiful beautiful beautiful!!!!!

    How do you do that to the cursor to make birds fly??


  7. Oui vraiment amusant. Ils pourraient un jour mettre un enregistrement a cote disponible pour les visiteurs.

  8. People did things with style in those days - though one could easily imagine Elton John living there! :)

  9. An organ and a work of art all in one. Nice shots of it.

  10. Anonymous16/1/14 11:57

    Delightful indeed, and beautiful surroundings to sit and listen to it too.

  11. It is absolutely delightful indeed Ciel, is it still in playable condition ?

  12. Elegant! I do enjoy this glimpse of how others have lived.

  13. Who would think you'd have a pipe organ in your residence? But I guess it's not that unusual. Love the furniture, too, though it doesn't look all that comfy. Great shots, Ciel!

  14. It's really beautiful and the room is adorable with those elegant chairs!I love the decoration!

  15. oh my, i just love it all!

  16. Precious and, I imagine, delicate.

  17. trop l'ai vu ce jour en sortant de l'expo Le Nôtre j'ai fait un tour par ces appartements !

  18. Anonymous16/1/14 19:05

    It's fun to imagine sitting in one of the chairs and listening to a recital.

    Beautiful decor!


  19. It is, indeed, delightful. And very feminine.

  20. Just a simple cabinet organ for the parlor, nothing fancy :-o Do they still use it?

  21. Everything is so Versailles. Gorgeous!


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