Wednesday 15 January 2014


Marianne is a national emblem of France and an allegory of Liberty and Reason. In France, you see her often: in law courts, in town halls, on stamps... This is the striking Marianne of the weddings room at the town hall and RF stands for 'République Française'. We owe her to Georges Delahaie. There is crystal on Artsy Versailles.

Marianne est la figure allégorique de la République Française. On trouve des Marianne un peu partout, dans les tribunaux, les mairies et sur les timbres. Cette Marianne saisissante se trouve dans la salle des mariages de l'hôtel de ville et est l’œuvre de Georges Delahaie. Il y a du cristal sur Artsy Versailles.


  1. It's certainly different from the versions of that icon I've seen before in art.

  2. Great shot for the day as always, Ciel. I agree with William, it is different indeed -- at least from versions I've seen, too. Hope your week is going well!!

  3. I haven't heard of her before but this piece is lovely!

  4. I took photographs of numerous versions of Marianne when I visited the Luxembourg Palace years ago. But they were traditional, not modern ones like this.

  5. Very Deco looking sculpture.

  6. The most unusual Marianne I've seen (probably not one usually spotted in law courts, town halls, etc...)! I do like her almost jazz-age look.

  7. c'est fou, il y a la même Marianne dans une MQ d'Evry, j'y suis passe devant la semaine dernière, et je me suis dit que cela ferait une photo sympa, et voila la photo ;)

  8. @ Olivier : c'est dingue ça. Si tu trouves des infos dessus, je suis preneuse !

  9. Anonymous15/1/14 09:03

    She does look quite Art Deco, very stylish!

  10. To me it looks in the style of Mayan art. Regardless, I think it's fabulous. And well-captured of course !

  11. She is adorable, Love this art!

  12. elle s'est fait bastoner

  13. Marianne is gorgeous! This one in particular reminds me of Egyptian heads at the Valley of the Queens near Luxor.

  14. I'm with JM, it has an Egyptian 'feel' to me also.. all i could find was this
    p.s. yes I remember Tom Baker Ciel :)

  15. Quite the modern Marianne. I definitely like that she has different incarnations.

  16. I like it but I didn't even recognize her. :-)

  17. A steamrolled Marianne? Not so bad as a sculpture in itself, but really ugly as a symbol of the Republic.

  18. A nice Marianne, modern with an Egyptian touch.

  19. I didn't know that! See, I almost always learn something new from your blog. Marianne doth have an Egyptian look, though.

  20. I'd heard of Marianne. I think it's sweet that they gave her a name.

  21. I love the style of this piece. I think I need to read up on Marianne to find out more.

  22. Anonymous15/1/14 23:42

    She looks to be a cross between Egyptian and Mayan. The stone is a beautiful color. As always, thank you for the link, for reference.


  23. Bob's oldest daughter is named Marianne. He didn't even know why. LOL I have to research it now. MB

  24. Anonymous8/5/14 06:07

    Cette Marianne est l'oeuvre de Georges Delahaie, sculpteur.
    Une partie de son oeuvre peut-etre consultee a

  25. Merci LT, thanks very much!


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