Friday 17 January 2014

Causette avec la lune

Lampposts conversing with each other and with the moon, in Saint-Louis neighbourhood last Saturday. A close-up of the moon can be seen here.

Les lampadaires faisaient causette entre eux et avec la lune samedi dernier dans le quartier Saint-Louis. Un zoom sur la lune peut être vu en cliquant ici.


  1. tient tu as du mettre un nouveau widget sur ton blog, on a le droit a une fenetre de pub pop-up ;( ).
    chez toi c'est pas le soleil qui a rdv avec la lune, mais les réverbères ;)

  2. It looks so romantic - your close up is divine, makes one realize how similar the moon looks from anywhere in the world!

  3. Beautiful imagery in both of these shots, Ciel. They feel quite serene.

  4. I love the atmosphere of these shots! So romantic.

  5. The lamp posts in Versailles are strikingly attractive. Not too ornate. Very stylish and elegant.

  6. Love that first photo.

  7. They are beautiful!:)

  8. They are chatting aren't they.
    No mail.

    What kind of a widget?

  9. I love that style of lamppost. Although what I see is a muscular guy with a tiny head holding up two lamps ! In any case, these are beautiful photos !

  10. Beautifully captured 'conversation' Ciel!

  11. j aime bcp l "ambiance" de la premiere photo,bravo ;o)

  12. This is such a nice shot. Wish I'd taken it! Wonder what they're saying to each other? "Light my way," maybe. Or, "Don't let the moon steal your thunder." Or, "Don't you feel sorry for all those plain ol' lampposts?" Or, "This little light of mine; I'm gonna let it shine?"

    Beauty of a moon shot, too.

  13. une histoire à se prendre le bec

  14. Girl, you are really talented, these pictures are wonderful. Love the composition with the street lamps,very beautiful!
    Happy weekend,

  15. i really like them! and the thought of them conversing...hmmm, wonder what they are saying? ;) have a great weekend!

  16. My little town has some nice street lamps, each one in memorial to a person, I'll use yours for inspiration.

  17. Two very elegant and beautiful pictures! Brava!

  18. Beautiful colours on the top shot, Ciel!


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