Saturday 18 January 2014

Aux bains d'Oriane

Aux Bains d'Oriane (Oriane's baths) is one of those delightful independent shops where VDP could spend hours and lots of money! She is a very sweet, camera shy young lady who sells very pretty little bags, jewellery and divine soaps and body care products! As you can see from the shop window, the winter sale is in full swing until 11 February! Her website is this way and her online shop that way!

Aux Bains d'Oriane, rue de Satory, c'est l'une de ces boutiques indépendantes délicieuses où VDP pourrait passer des heures ! Oriane est une adorable jeune femme qui n'aime pas être prise en photo et qui vend ici plein de jolis sacs, de ravissants petits bijoux, et surtout, surtout, tout ce qu'il faut pour sentir bon et pour se prélasser dans le bain ou sous la douche ! Son site web est par ici et sa boutique en ligne par là ! Les soldes d'hiver, c'est jusqu'au 11 février !

Just look at these lovely little soaps !
Regardez-moi ces ravissants petits savons !


  1. We know now that VDP would, if she could, spend lots of time in this delightful little shop. The question thus becomes did VDP rid herself of some cash in this delightful little shop, and if so, on what or isn't VDP talking? :)

    I would not buy soaps there as my savons need to be grande!

  2. At this time of year we need all the creams and moisturizers we can find!

  3. Moisturizers especially! I assume it'll be busy!

  4. Sweetheart of a shop and I love those soaps! Yup, I could spend all day in a place like this and leave with a thin wallet (and fat shopping bag!:)

  5. Great looking little shop.

  6. Looks like a nice shop. I think my wife would love it. :-)

    There is a TV program called Des Racines et Des Ailes and next week's episode is called "Du Versailles des Rois au Versailles de la République" I've already scheduled it to be recorded.

  7. Anonymous18/1/14 10:31

    Beautiful looking shop, I hope her sale does a roaring trade!

  8. Don't know if I'd buy but I'd take the stroll through the shop. Enticing.

  9. I enjoy browsing in shops like this. How nice that the shop owner was OK with you taking photos!

  10. oh this is my kind of shop too! i bet the soaps smell wonderful in the shop!!

  11. I would definitely take my wife here, she'd love it!

  12. Not my kind of shop for buying, but surely one I will gladly visit to take some pictures of the very nice items of merchandise!

  13. And, hey, 50% off would not be a bad thing !

  14. VDP "could" spend a lot of time and money here? How about VDP "does" spend a lot of time and money here!

  15. I'm pretty sure I could also spend a lot of time and money in this shop! Those soaps are trop mimi! :)

  16. @ Jack: okay, VDP spent a few € last week for her Mum's birthday...

  17. Perfect spot for 'mums' type of birthday pressie Ciel.. bet it smells nice in there :)


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